There are 1.4 billion people in our world living off less than $1.25 a day 1 billion more suffer from ‘Hidden Hunger’ – where they don’t have enough of the vitamins and minerals they need for a healthy, balanced diet. The majority of those going hungry are actually poor farmers. Global Perspective
What This Means It is often the small- scale farmer who cannot produce enough food to eat or sell.
…having just 80 cents a day to cover your: FOOD WATER CLOTHING EDUCATION HEALTHCARE HOME Imagine…
There are millions and millions of people around the world working hard with what they have, but without the resources or opportunities to progress. They are full of potential and determination, but with a lack of resources that could help give them a hand up to help unleash that potential. Shift the Balance
What is The Salvation Army Doing? The Salvation Army is helping these small-scale, rural farmers through animal and agricultural projects which help farmers support themselves and their families.
A few years ago, Margaret was struggling to support her and her family, living off just 200 Malawian Kwacha (75 cents) a day. Margaret joined a Salvation Army microcredit programme and with an initial loan of 7,000 Malawian Kwacha (About $18) set up her own business. Margaret Banda
She now earns between 2,000 & 2,500 Kwacha ($5-7) a day – ten times as much as she earned before. Margaret Banda
Major Bert Lapera is a Salvation Army Officer in Calloocan in the Philippines. He is helping the community improve their income and lives. He is helping to shift the balance in his community by empowering people with the skills he has to help them lift themselves out of poverty. Major Bert Lapera
Bert helps people in the community make cleaning products to use and sell to help them earn an income. The co-operative also sells a variety of products – all members get a discount as well as a share of the profits. Major Bert Lapera
How you can help
…of knowledge Help us to raise awareness of the injustice that exists in our world and what we can do to change it. Shift the balance…
…of inequality It’s not right that so many women in our world don’t have the same opportunities to earn a living as men and are therefore usually the poorest. Many of our programmes focus on the empowerment of women, so by supporting our programs you are also supporting the fight for gender equality. Shift the balance…
…of wealth: Give money to help people access small loans, grants and skills training to help the poorest people get on their feet and work their own way out of poverty. Shift the balance…
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