THE LEGEND OF SANT JORDI People say that the legend of Sant Jordi, the Dragon and the Princess in Catalonia happened in the village of Montblanc many,many years ago
That dragon was the most powerful of the dragons. And the Princess was the most popular person in the village because she was the King’s daughter. Everybody feared the dragon. Every day he ate a pair of lambs. Then the people fed him with horses but he didn't have enough food. And they had to draw people to calm the hunger of the beast. And the King wanted to put his family in the drawing. One day he took the name of the princess.
The King accepted the destiny and he didn't want to change the sacrifice. The princess should be sacrificed. A young man appeared, he was a knight. He was beautiful like the sun, he was called Jordi (George) And he speared the dragon. Then, he tied the dragon with a rope. Later, Sant Jordi nailed a lance and the dragon died immediately. Where the dragon died, a rosal bush of red roses appeared like blood. Sant Jordi took the most beautiful one and offered it to the Princess.
He rode on his horse. He passed down a vestibule, it's called the “Vestibule of Sant Jordi”. Everything was seen by the King and the neighbours of Montblanc. And they chose Sant Jordi as the Patron Saint of the village. THE END
TRADITION The day of Sant Jordi is the 23th of April. In this day the girls buy a book for their boyfriend, and the boyfriend buys a rose for her.
SANT JORDI’S DAY AT SCHOOL In the school we celebrate this festivity. We don’t have lessons and have a party. The students of 4th year of ESO sell roses and books and prepare a disco to collect money for their final trip. Many students present compositions to a contest and they can win a rose and books (1 st price) or only books (2 nd price). Other school activities are: basketball, football, a disco… At the end of the day we go back home.