Up to and beyond 2015 The UN-Water perspective by Pasquale STEDUTO Chair UN-Water Commission on Sustainable Development UN Headquarters New York - 13 May, 2008
Current situation (optimism) Poverty levels have fallen dramatically Millions of people have gained access to safe drinking water Less so to sanitation – still major achievements Many countries make progress and will reach the MDGs
Current situation (pessimism) Child and maternal mortality still high Poverty and hunger still lagging behind Insufficient awareness of MDG linkages Emerging issues implications
Beyond 2015 What about the other “half”? Which targets are most appropriate? Which institutional arrangements will be required? New financial mechanisms?
The role of the countries Countries not loose focus on other “half”! Invest in human and institutional capacity Review strategies, policies and plans for building resilience Provide incentives for private sector engagement as a way to support development
The role of the donors Ensure commitment and amplify resource allocation to beyond 2015 Improve delivery mechanisms Innovative financial mechanisms to mobilize resources Review financial policies that are counter productive (trade, subsidies, etc.)
The role of UN-Water Act as a watch dog (monitoring, reporting etc.) Facilitate strategic and innovative partnerships to accelerate implementation Boost the process of UN delivering as one Be more forward looking in addressing new challenges and linkages
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