Population, Poverty, Parliament, Imperialism, & Partition South Asia - Political
Objectives Identify the five nations of Southern Asia on a blank map – India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Bhutan. Describe the population problems faced by India and Bangladesh, including sex ratios. Discuss the problems of poverty and employment in India and Bangladesh. Describe life in a sweat shop and decide whether you think they should be allowed to continue. Describe the partition of India.
Cash crop is a crop grown to sell. Terms and People Sweat Shop is a factory with poor working conditions. Subsistence Farming is growing crops only to eat. Parliament is a lawmaking body similar to congress. Literacy is the ability to read and write. Colonialism is the domination of one country by another for a profit. Bollywood is the Indian film industry
About 7 out of 10 Indians live in villages and farm for a living. Many villages are without ordinary utilities such as fresh water, sewage and electricity.
Houses belonging to more prosperous families in a village are made of better materials than those of poorer villagers. Many poor villagers own only a charpoy, or wooden bed frame with knotted string in place of a mattress.
Where do the Indian people work? What crop is most widely grown in India?
Some Indians work on large farms growing cash crops, which are plants grown to sell. Other Indians work their own farms, growing only enough to keep their families alive. This is called subsistence farming.
Some Indians work in modern factories. Others work in crowded and unsafe factories called sweatshops.
South Asia has been invaded repeatedly. The Muslims invaded in the 1500s and stayed until The Taj Mahal of India was built by the Muslims. It is not a mosque, but a tomb.
The British were more interested in building rail than elaborate tombs. After the Muslims came the British.
Under the British, most of South Asia was united. Using only peaceful means, a man named Gandhi led the Indians in an effort to force the British to leave. India, however, did not stay together. Muslims moved to Pakistan; Hindus moved to India.
India and Pakistan could never decide who controls the northern parts, and they continue to fight over it.
Areas of Conflict Today The Tamils want their own country. Tamil Singhalese
What does the word “partition” mean? A legal distinction is recognized between male and female Each part of the population gets its share of goods. A country divides itself up and populations move to its part. Between which countries did partition take place? India / Pakistan & Bangladesh India / Nepal & Bhutan Pakistan / Nepal & China Bangladesh / India & Burma What was the primary reason for the partition? Language Religion Race Marxism Which area is Pakistan and India fighting over? Sri Lanka Deccan Plateau Ganges River Punjab
Where does India currently rank in population? Highest, with China second 2 nd highest, after China 2 nd highest, after Bangladesh Highest, with USA second Which of the following are problems associated with population in South Asia? Clean water supply A balance between sexes Employment Famine What sort of migration is occurring in India and Bangladesh? From north to south From country to city From highlands to lowlands From India to Bangladesh Which language is most widely spoken in India? Bengali Hindi Kannada Punjabi
Please Read “India in the Midst of Change.” World Studies: Asia and the Pacific. Pearson- Prentice-Hall, Pg Topic: population, middle class, growing economy, education, Pakistan conflict Vocab: textiles, malnutrition, life expectancy, literacy rate
Please Read “South Asia: Cultures and History.” World Studies: Asia and the Pacific. Pearson- Prentice-Hall, Pg Topic: Mohenjo Daro, Aryan Invasion, religions, Empires, Islam, Brits, Gandhi Vocab: caste, colony, boycott, partition