Diverting excess food to hungry people Kiran Sridhar
The Big Picture Strong Communities Prosperous Future Trends Strong Kids Upwardly Mobile Future
Current Picture Less Optimistic Future Financial Crisis Fewer Jobs Less Resources to Charities More Hungry Families More Hungry Kids Less engaged in School
Food Security is a Human Right “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family, including food.” –United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 25 (1948)
Hunger is a Real Problem 11 Million Hungry People 20% of Children Live in Food Insecure Households
Root Cause of Hunger Food ProductionCalifornia Food Root Cause is not Food Production. It is Food Distribution!
A Solution A non-profit, 501c3, web-based marketplace connects the donor to those in need
Results to Date 9 Restaurants signed-up 1 Farm in the program Over 4,000 hungry stomachs fed Excess food not in landfills contributing to global warming Los Gatos High School and Lick-Wilmerding High School community service projects Two new corporate clients
Los Gatos High School Fundraise
How You Can Help “Life’s most persistent question is: ‘What are you doing for others’”-Martin Luther King Join the movement to eradicate hunger in CA Donate Time Web Design & Software Development Sign-up Farms, Restaurants, Supermarkets, Cafeterias Design promotional material Donate Money Donate Food
To learn more Thanks for listening! No Food