Julian: Julian: A Prophet © Mary Cresp RSJ © Mary Cresp RSJ.


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Presentation transcript:

Julian: Julian: A Prophet © Mary Cresp RSJ © Mary Cresp RSJ

Julian: A Disciple’s Spirituality © Mary Cresp RSJ

Julian as Prophet Julian as Prophet (from Sandra Schneiders) The prophet is immersed in the life of the people in a particular place and time and is commissioned by God to interpret that situation in the light of God’s dream for this people and the whole of humanity.

Julian as Prophet The task of the prophet is to bear witness to God, by word and work, to God’s people in a particular context or historical situation.

Julian as Prophet The prophet’s message is not about “the world beyond” or outside this one.

Julian as Prophet The prophetic vocation is rooted in and expressive of his/her mystical life, the intense contemplative prayer life that is the root of experiential knowledge of God.

Julian as Prophet Besides an intense life of prayer which unites the prophet to God, a second requirement of prophetic identity and mission is a certain freedom from attachments which pressure the person to prefer … the maintaining of the status quo within which one’s own position and interests are protected, to God’s interests or the good of those to whom one is sent.

Julian as Prophet The prophet is sent by God to proclaim by word and work the coming of the Reign of God in the here and now.

Julian as Prophet A major and non-negotiable criterion of the true prophet is the coherence between the prophet’s message and the prophet’s life.

Julian as Prophet It is precisely because the prophet is addressing the actual situation, publicly lamenting current oppression as contrary to God's will, and energizing real people to imagine and begin to strive for an alternate future, that the prophet is often perceived as dangerous to the status quo.

Circle the City Circle the City Kathy Sherman CSJ Circle the city with love. Come and give your heart away. Circle the city with love. It’s time we showed the way. Feed the hungry, heal the hurts, build bridges that unite. Free the prisoners, be the voice for those who have no rights.

We are the ones who can make God’s reign appear. We must walk in God’s light and sing without fear and sing without fear of God’s love, of God’s love. of God’s love, of God’s love.

Circle the city with love. Come and give your heart away. Circle the city with love. It’s time we showed the way. Feed the hungry, heal the hurts, build bridges that unite. Free the prisoners, be the voice for those who have no rights.

We are the hope for changing stones to bread. We must walk in God’s peace and do as Jesus said: Make all one, make all one.

Circle the city with love. Come and give your heart away. Circle the city with love. It’s time we showed the way. Feed the hungry, heal the hurts, build bridges that unite. Free the prisoners, be the voice for those who have no rights.

We are a power when together we believe. We must live in God’s truth, convinced that we will see God’s reign, God’s reign.

Circle the city with love. Come and give your heart away. Circle the city with love. It’s time we showed the way. Feed the hungry, heal the hurts, build bridges that unite. Free the prisoners, be the voice for those who have no rights.

God, we lift our hearts in thanksgiving for the life of Julian Tenison Woods. We remember his founding with Mary MacKillop, which brought the Congregation to birth. We remember his gifts as pastor, scientist, artist and poet, his passion for mission, his reverence of Earth, his respect for the Aboriginal peoples, and his love of you. We give thanks for his influence in our Josephite lives. To you be praise and honour. Amen. (Josephite Prayer Book, p 72)