▶ Phrase Check ▶ Word Check ☞ Write the meanings of the words. ☞ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank. 2 8 5 Story at all, as if, without,


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Presentation transcript:

▶ Phrase Check ▶ Word Check ☞ Write the meanings of the words. ☞ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank Story at all, as if, without, so that, standing 13.. The lion thought of a way to get food easily having to move. 14. He decided to lie down in his cave and pretended to be sick he was dying. 15. He could not feed himself because he could not hunt. 16. He also told other animals that he was dying they would come and visit him in the cave. 17. Why do you keep there without coming in? 1. decide to do something2. feed 3. pretend4. visit 5. disappear6. notice 7. foot print8. trace 9. return10. one by one 11. devour12. entrance

▶ Reading Comprehension 1 ☞ Choose the best answer based on the article. A Sick Lion Once upon a time, a lion could not move well as it was very old and sick. He was hungry but he could not feed himself because he could not hunt at all. “I am so hungry but I cannot hunt. What should I do? I don’t want to die!” One day, the lion thought of a way to get food easily without having to move. He decided to lie down in his cave and pretended to be sick as if he was dying. He also told other animals that he, the king of animal kingdom, was dying so that they would come and visit him in the cave. Animals came to him one by one. When animals visited him in the cave, he asked them to come inside the dark cave and devoured them. As many animals disappeared, the fox wanted to find out what’s going on. The fox visited the lion. When the fox was in front of the entrance to the cave, the lion said, “Please come inside. Why do you keep standing there without coming in?” At that moment, the fox noticed that there were many animals’ foot prints entering his cave, but no trace of any returning. The fox said, “No. I see many animals’ foot prints entering your cave, but no trace of any returning. You ate them all!” Story 18. Which of the following is true EXCEPT _____. ① A fox visited the sick lion and didn't hesitate to come into the lion's cave. ② Many animals were eaten by the lion who pretended to be sick. ③ A lion had a good idea of getting food easily without hunting. ④ A lion was too old and sick to hunt well and easily. 19. What is the lesson that we can learn from this fable? ① A loaf of bread is better than song of many birds. ② The grass is greener on the other side of the fence. ③ Walls have ears. ④ He who is wise is warned by the misfortunes of others. 20. Which of the following best describes the word DEVOUR? ① To finish something efficiently and effectively ② To have different views ③ To eat something quickly and eagerly ④ To decide firmly

☞ Write True(T) or False(F). ▶ Composition ☞ Write the sentences in English following the guideline. 23. 그녀는 마치 패션모델인 것처럼 말했다. ( as if 가정법 ) She talked (were, a, model, fashion, she). 24. 그는 마치 그 건물의 주인인 것처럼 행동했다. ( as if 가정법 ) He behaved (the, of, the, building, owner, were, he). 25. 데이비드는 파티에서 춤을 추지 않고 노래를 불렀다. ( without ) David sang a song (party, dance, at, the) ▶ Reading Comprehension Story A Sick Lion Once upon a time, a lion could not move well as it was very old and sick. He was hungry but he could not feed himself because he could not hunt at all. “I am so hungry but I cannot hunt. What should I do? I don’t want to die!” One day, the lion thought of a way to get food easily without having to move. He decided to lie down in his cave and pretended to be sick as if he was dying. He also told other animals that he, the king of animal kingdom, was dying so that they would come and visit him in the cave. Animals came to him one by one. When animals visited him in the cave, he asked them to come inside the dark cave and devoured them. As many animals disappeared, the fox wanted to find out what’s going on. The fox visited the lion. When the fox was in front of the entrance to the cave, the lion said, “Please come inside. Why do you keep standing there without coming in?” At that moment, the fox noticed that there were many animals’ foot prints entering his cave, but no trace of any returning. The fox said, “No. I see many animals’ foot prints entering your cave, but no trace of any returning. You ate them all!” 21. The fox saw many footprints going into and coming out the lion's cave. _____ 22. Many animals have entered the lion's cave, but couldn't come out again. _____

▶ Phrase Check ▶ Word Check ☞ Write the meanings of the words. ☞ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank Story at all, as if, without, so that, standing 13. The lion thought of a way to get food easily without having to move. 14. He decided to lie down in his cave and pretended to be sick as if he was dying. 15. He could not feed himself because he could not hunt at all. 16. He also told other animals that he was dying so that they would come and visit him in the cave. 17. Why do you keep standing there without coming in? 1. decide to do something [~ 을 하려고 결심하다 ]2. feed [ 먹이다 ] 3. pretend [~ 을 하는 척 하다, ~ 인 척 하다 ]4. visit [ 방문하다 ] 5. disappear [ 사라지다 ]6. notice [ 알아차리다 ] 7. foot print [ 발자국 ]8. trace [ 흔적 ] 9. return [ 돌아오다 ]10. one by one [ 하나씩 ] 11. devour [ 게걸스럽게 먹어 치우다 ]12. entrance [ 입구 ]

▶ Reading Comprehension 1 ☞ Choose the best answer based on the article. A Sick Lion Once upon a time, a lion could not move well as it was very old and sick. He was hungry but he could not feed himself because he could not hunt at all. “I am so hungry but I cannot hunt. What should I do? I don’t want to die!” One day, the lion thought of a way to get food easily without having to move. He decided to lie down in his cave and pretended to be sick as if he was dying. He also told other animals that he, the king of animal kingdom, was dying so that they would come and visit him in the cave. Animals came to him one by one. When animals visited him in the cave, he asked them to come inside the dark cave and devoured them. As many animals disappeared, the fox wanted to find out what’s going on. The fox visited the lion. When the fox was in front of the entrance to the cave, the lion said, “Please come inside. Why do you keep standing there without coming in?” At that moment, the fox noticed that there were many animals’ foot prints entering his cave, but no trace of any returning. The fox said, “No. I see many animals’ foot prints entering your cave, but no trace of any returning. You ate them all!” Story 18. Which of the following is true EXCEPT _____. [1] ① A fox visited the sick lion and didn't hesitate to come into the lion's cave. ② Many animals were eaten by the lion who pretended to be sick. ③ A lion had a good idea of getting food easily without hunting. ④ A lion was too old and sick to hunt well and easily. 19. What is the lesson that we can learn from this fable? [4] ① A loaf of bread is better than song of many birds. ② The grass is greener on the other side of the fence. ③ Walls have ears. ④ He who is wise is warned by the misfortunes of others. 20. Which of the following best describes the word DEVOUR? [3] ① To finish something efficiently and effectively ② To have different views ③ To eat something quickly and eagerly ④ To decide firmly

☞ Write True(T) or False(F). ▶ Composition ☞ Write the sentences in English following the guideline. 23. 그녀는 마치 패션모델인 것처럼 말했다. ( as if 가정법 ) She talked (were, a, model, fashion, she). → as if she were a fashion model. 24. 그는 마치 그 건물의 주인인 것처럼 행동했다. ( as if 가정법 ) He behaved (the, of, the, building, owner, were, he). → as if he were the owner of the building 25. 데이비드는 파티에서 춤을 추지 않고 노래를 불렀다. ( without ) David sang a song (party, dance, at, the) → without dancing at the party. ▶ Reading Comprehension Story A Sick Lion Once upon a time, a lion could not move well as it was very old and sick. He was hungry but he could not feed himself because he could not hunt at all. “I am so hungry but I cannot hunt. What should I do? I don’t want to die!” One day, the lion thought of a way to get food easily without having to move. He decided to lie down in his cave and pretended to be sick as if he was dying. He also told other animals that he, the king of animal kingdom, was dying so that they would come and visit him in the cave. Animals came to him one by one. When animals visited him in the cave, he asked them to come inside the dark cave and devoured them. As many animals disappeared, the fox wanted to find out what’s going on. The fox visited the lion. When the fox was in front of the entrance to the cave, the lion said, “Please come inside. Why do you keep standing there without coming in?” At that moment, the fox noticed that there were many animals’ foot prints entering his cave, but no trace of any returning. The fox said, “No. I see many animals’ foot prints entering your cave, but no trace of any returning. You ate them all!” 21. The fox saw many footprints going into and coming out the lion's cave. [F] 22. Many animals have entered the lion's cave, but couldn't come out again. [T]