Maycee Smith Standard: S2P1a
Lets start with a fun video to learn about Solids, Liquids, and Gases. dchemistry/statesofmatter/ dchemistry/statesofmatter/
Solid Liquid Gas
Have very densely packed molecules Take the shape of its container It also holds it volume Such as an ice cube unless you change it to a liquid or gas it stays an ice cube Or a basketball it remains a basketball you can’t change its shape you can take air out but it’s still a basketball
Can change shapes along with their containers Its volume doesn’t change. If you have 7oz it wont be more if you put it in a different container. When ice melts it becomes a liquid ( water)
Take the shape of whatever they are in It fills its container because it is so loosely packed It takes the volume of its container
Xt4 Xt4 ter/ ter/ dchemistry/statesofmatter/activity/ dchemistry/statesofmatter/activity/