Copyright © 2010 by Barry Mano, Referee Enterprises, Inc. and the National Association of Sports Officials Enhance Football Officiating State Wide by Defining, Developing and Directing Football Leadership Arm of the AIA Football Ad-Hoc Committee
Take Part. Get Set For Life.™ National Federation of State High School Associations Football Ad-Hoc Committee Don Cerimeli - Chair David Alvarez Brian Mahoney John McDonnell Paul Piper David Ross Bob Sietsema
80% of the job is managing people. Being superior at the remaining 20% won’t cut it. Copyright © 2010 by Barry Mano, Referee Enterprises, Inc. and the National Association of Sports Officials LESSON Learn the art of influencing people and the science of its application. #5
A solid pregame conference matters a lot. Copyright © 2010 by Barry Mano, Referee Enterprises, Inc. and the National Association of Sports Officials LESSON Take the lead! Make yours timely, tactical and tactful. #11
Each assignment you work is an audition. Copyright © 2010 by Barry Mano, Referee Enterprises, Inc. and the National Association of Sports Officials LESSON Look the part – dress, demeanor, discipline. You are the medium. The medium is the message. #3
Take Part. Get Set For Life.™ National Federation of State High School Associations AIA Football Observers John McDonnell Paul Piper All Observers assignments come from AIA Office
Take Part. Get Set For Life.™ National Federation of State High School Associations John McDonnell AIA Observer Work for and at the direction of the AIA Commissioner of Officials Reports all observations back to the Commissioner Works closely with the Ad-Hoc Committee with regard to Mechanics, Field Coverage and Absolutes Main goal is to help and improve all Football Officials
David Alvarez “The Absolutes”
All officials Remove whistle from mouth after the snap. Echo stop clock signal, except U, whenever the clock is stopped. Dead ball officiate in your area until opposing players have separated. Don’t be too quick to change down, get new ball, etc. Pre-game – Keep visiting with home/visiting team personnel to a minimum and attend to pre-game responsibilities. Look and act professional during timeouts.
Kickoff Positions R - On the GL in the middle of the field. U – On the GL, on the sideline nearest the press box. H – On the GL, on the sideline opposite the press box. L – On R’s restraining line,on the sideline nearest the press box. Fade to GL on the return. B – On K’s restraining line, on the sideline opposite the press box. Fade to GL on the return.
Punt Positions R – L side of the field, yards wide, on the same yard line as the kicker. U – 7–9 yards from the LOS on the L side of the field, one yard outside the blocking formation with an angle on the snapper. H – on the LOS, do not leave the LOS until the ball crosses. L – downfield on the same yard line as the B. (exception: inside the 3, stay at the LOS). B – 5 yards deeper and 10 yards wider than deepest receiver. Beanbag the end of the kick only on returned kicks (not fair catch or muffs).
Scrimmage Positions R – passing arm, yards behind the LOS, outside the TE. U – 5-8 yards beyond LOS, inside tackles opposite the TE, double TE favor the wide side. H&L – OB’s, straddling the LOS. Keep sidelines clear during the play. B – yards deep, between uprights
Running Play R – OB’s cleanup within 5 yards of the LOS (coordinate w/BJ). U – at the end of the play, spot ball and jog to position. B – read play and do not retreat out of the play, clean up OB’s beyond 5 yards of LOS, (coordinate w/R). H & L – Know down & distance, H should not look back to chains for a 1 st down, trust L to kill the clock or not. Critical spots (GL, close 1 st down)– come all the way to the ball. If the run ends OB’s on your sideline, pivot to face OB’s to observe action. Goal line Coverage Ball snapped inside the 15 yd line, stay ahead of the play/runner, be at the GL when the ball crosses. Ball snapped at or inside the 5 yd line, move immediately to the GL, be at the GL when the ball crosses.
Passing Play R – stay with the QB to rule on possible RP. U – get to the LOS, turn on all passes to help rule trap/catch H&L – read play, don’t leave LOS to early. Punch off backwards passes. B - maintain cushion, do not allow receivers to get behind you, even in the EZ.
Penalty Enforcement R – Clear and give final signals w/minimal walking around, stand still, give crisp signals and verbalize foul. Give preliminary signal when necessary. U – jog penalty yardage (more than 5 yds), confirm w/wing before spotting ball. Mark all spot fouls from outside the hash if spot foul, then bring ball to the hash to spot. H – do not move the box until the ball is placed following enforcement. *Ball and penalty flags should be covered, if spot of enforcement. *Foul information should be reported to your sideline.
Take Part. Get Set For Life.™ National Federation of State High School Associations New Rules and Changes 2010 Bob Sietsema Co-State Rules Interpreter
Take Part. Get Set For Life.™ National Federation of State High School Associations 2010 NFHS Football Rules Changes
Take Part. Get Set For Life.™ National Federation of State High School Associations Ask A Rules Question Check to see postings from others Individual Response to Submitter
Take Part. Get Set For Life.™ National Federation of State High School Associations
A replaced player must leave the field within three seconds. The three seconds begins when a player becomes a replaced player as defined in and a substitute becomes a player as defined in It is not a foul to break a huddle with more than 11 players as long as the replaced player begins to leave the field within three seconds.
Penalty Enforcement on Scoring Play Rules 8-2-2, 8-2-3, 8-2-4, 8-2-5, f
Penalty Enforcement on Scoring Play Rules 8-2-2, 8-2-3, 8-2-4, 8-2-5, f
Penalty Enforcement on Scoring Play Rules 8-2-2, 8-2-3, 8-2-4, 8-2-5, f
Take Part. Get Set For Life.™ National Federation of State High School Associations 2010 Football Points of Emphasis
2010 NFHS Football Points of Emphasis 1.Concussion Recognition and Management- 2.Heat Illness and Hydration- 3.Illegal Helmet Contact- 4.Assisting the Runner- 5.Sportsmanship and Public Address Announcers-
Concussion Recognition and Management A concussion is a brain injury that results in a temporary disruption of normal brain function- A concussion occurs when the brain is violently rocked back and forth or twisted inside the skull as a result of a blow to the head or body- Only 3.2 percent of all concussed athletes lost consciousness during the 2009 football season- Neither officials, nor coaches, are expected to “diagnose” a concussion, as that is the job of an appropriate health-care professional- Officials, coaches and administrators are being asked to make all efforts to ensure that concussed athletes do not continue to participate-
Concussion Recognition and Management The game official is not responsible for the sideline evaluation or management of the athlete after he or she is removed from play- If an appropriate health-care professional on the sideline determines that the athlete HAS NOT suffered a concussion, the athlete may return to play- If there is no appropriate health-care professional available to evaluate the athlete, the athlete SHOULD NOT be allowed by the coach to return to play- Athletes with continued concussion symptoms are at significant risk for recurrent, cumulative and even catastrophic consequences of a second concussive injury-
Sportsmanship and Public Address Announcers SPORTSMANSHIP Players, coaches, officials, cheerleaders, game announcers, students and spectators all play a vital role in the promotion of good sportsmanship- It is essential that all individuals involved understand that the playing field is an extension of the classroom- Acts that are intended to engender ill will toward individuals, have no place in the educational activities-
Sportsmanship and Public Address Announcers PUBLIC ADDRESS ANNOUNCERS Contributes in a major way to the atmosphere for the event- Should never be an advocate from behind the microphone- Use proper language at all times- Never criticize players, coaches or officials- Should not attempt to be bigger than the game or event by doing play-by-play or by providing commentary-
NFHS Football Officials Manual Communication Between Officials and Head Coach Communication between officials and the head coach is a key to a smoothly run contest- All communication between the two parties should be professional and to the point- Head coaches who want to officiate rather than coach should be dealt with swiftly and in a firm manner- Enforcement of Uniform Adornment Rules Both the head coach and the officials are responsible for enforcement of the uniform adornment rules and those rules must be enforced consistently in order to prevent problems from developing with player safety or sportsmanship-
NFHS Football Officials Manual Enforcing that Legal Equipment is Worn Properly Head coaches and officials should always keep in mind that safety comes first- Required equipment is mandated for the well-being of the players- Coaches and officials must work together to make the game as safe as possible for the athletes participating by requiring compliance with equipment rules- Officials have the responsibility to penalize the head coach when players are not legally equipped and to prohibit the players from participating until they do become legally equipped-
Major Mechanics Changes Full length, black pants have been approved. Must be worn by entire crew. The Back Judge and the Line Judge shall bring approved game ball from each team to the coin-toss if footballs are being run off both sidelines.
Take Part. Get Set For Life.™ National Federation of State High School Associations Thank You!
David Ross Pregame / Timing/ Equipment
Set game clock to run out 3 min. prior Kickoff time. R/U will meet with the coaches 40 min prior to kickoff. Meet with the Home coach first. H/L/B will met the R/U 20 min prior to kickoff to discuss any information obtained during the coaches meeting. H – chain crew; L – ball boy crew; B – clock operator; U – check yard lines/ try for point line.
All Officials check field and surrounding area. If teams leave the field all officials may return to the locker room. B/L will be sent to locker rooms to escort teams back to the field of play. Captains shall be at their 50 yard line three min. prior to the scheduled Kickoff. All other players are to be off the field of play during the coin toss.
Players equipment Sportsmanship Captain Numbers Any unusual plays QB arm / Name Def. Captain Name Kicker leg Items to be discussed with Head Coach: Get back coach/sideline control Officials Card (Give name of official on his sideline) Game balls Questions Good Luck
Before Game: Clock will run out 3 minutes prior to kickoff. (Ex. 6:57) Referee meets with Home Coach 40 min prior to Kickoff. Visiting Coach after meeting with Home Coach. Officials will get teams from their locker rooms to escort them to the field. Captains will be at the 50 for the coin toss before 3 minutes prior to kickoff.
Halftime: Clock will start once both teams are off the field. 15 min halftime intermission (can be extended to 20 min.). 3 min Warm-up starts as soon as halftime ends. Overtime: 3 minute Intermission. 2 minute Intermission for each additional overtime.
Helmet w/Facemask Jersey Pants Shoes Tooth and Mouth Protector Mandatory Equipment : Shoulder Pads Knee Pads Thigh Guards Hip pads and tailbone protector
Auxiliary Equipment : Gloves Hand Pads Forearm Pads Tape, Bandage, or Support Wrap
Knee braces made of hard unyielding material not cover. Metal which is projecting. Rib pads and back protector not covered by a jersey. Tear-away jersey or jersey with knots. Uniform Adornments. Jewelry. Eye shields with tint. Illegal Equipment :
Legal Equipment :
Illegal Equipment :
Film Session