CMS East Parent Meeting Saturday, August 16, 2014
Coaching Assignments Volleyball: 8th- Kyle Shaw ‘A’, Samantha Elliot ‘B/C’ 7th- Christi Bryan ‘A’, Kate Gilbert ‘B’, Shawn Reck ‘C’ Basketball: 8th- Bryan ‘A’, Gilbert ‘B/C’ 7th- Shaw ‘A’, Reck ‘B/C’ Cross Country: Mike Erickson/Elliot Track: All Coaches (Head Coach- Shaw)
Volleyball Practice Begins the first day of school Practice Begins the first day of school Try-outs first 3 days of school Try-outs first 3 days of school Rated on skills by all 5 coaches Rated on skills by all 5 coaches 7 th gr 6:30-1 st Per, 8 th gr 7 th per-4:30 7 th gr 6:30-1 st Per, 8 th gr 7 th per-4:30 Must have physical exam from doctor Must have physical exam from doctor Three teams: Will keep 34 7 th, and 30 8 th. A, B, and C. Order of games will be C-B-A. Games on Thursdays. Three teams: Will keep 34 7 th, and 30 8 th. A, B, and C. Order of games will be C-B-A. Games on Thursdays.
Off Season Basketball Off Season Basketball Students that do not make the volleyball team will be in off-season basketball just during the class period only Working on basketball skills, conditioning, and weight room Basketball tryouts will be in mid- November. (A-B-C Teams selected) Most games on Thursday’s
Remainder of Year Cross Country try-outs in December(Season through mid-Feb) Cross Country try-outs in December(Season through mid-Feb) No cuts in Cross Country No cuts in Cross Country If did not make vball/bball team, then athlete will run cross country If did not make vball/bball team, then athlete will run cross country Those not on basketball team will be in off-season track during class period Those not on basketball team will be in off-season track during class period Track and Field try-outs mid-Feb. One team with the participants in each event Track and Field try-outs mid-Feb. One team with the participants in each event
Communication with Coach If you or your daughter have questions/concerns during the season please talk to us! If you or your daughter have questions/concerns during the season please talk to us! We would rather address the concern than let it fester We would rather address the concern than let it fester Have your daughter come talk to us! Have your daughter come talk to us! 24 hour rule- Give us a call or the day after the game. 24 hour rule- Give us a call or the day after the game.
Communication Chain of Command 1. Coach of Specific Team Shaw: Bryan: Gilbert: Reck: Elliot: 2. East Girls Coordinator: Shaw 3. East Coordinator: Mike Erickson: 4. East Principal: 5. District Coordinator: (Varsity Volleyball) Julie Green:
General Information 1.Athletes will be receiving a lock/locker to store valuables. Please encourage your daughter to use their locks! 2.No cell phones out in the locker rooms. If you need to make a call after school, students must go into the gym area. 3.If you could have an inhaler in both the nurses office and gym area that would be great. (with student name on it)
Tennis Tennis is not tied to our athletic period Tennis is not tied to our athletic period It will be only before/after school It will be only before/after school If you want to tryout for tennis you will need to contact Anthony Smith. If you want to tryout for tennis you will need to contact Anthony Smith.
Injuries Please allow your daughter see our school trainer first before taking them to doctor. Our trainer is certified in sports injuries and can treat your child effectively and (most times) have them back into action very quickly If we have a doctor’s note that says your daughter is out for 6wks…must follow
Injuries Cont. Athletes can visit our trainer at the CHS field house from 6:30-7:00 Mon- Thurs to evaluate any injuries and/or give treatment. If the trainer feels further treatment is needed, they can help direct you to appropriate doctor/facility.
Medical Excuse Notes -acceptable notes: missed school due to illness which will work for 3 days -unacceptable notes: upset stomach, runny nose, headache, doesn’t feel good, etc. If student brings parent note for 3 days, must have doctor’s notes on 4 th day.
Game Night After your road game is over you may leave early with parents(after signing out), or ride the bus At home games we expect you to stay for all three games Only exceptions for leaving early will be for another school/althletic event We will not allow student-athletes to leave early unless we have written notice( ) 24 hours prior to event.
Multiple Sports We encourage all of our athletes to play as many of our school sports as possible Reduces burn-out from just playing one sport year around Reduces over-use injuries We need you on all our sports team to help us be successful!!!!!
Club sports/outside of school conflicts: District Policy(All 3 Middle Schools) If an athlete misses a school athletic contest, they must sit out one contest.
Water for Road Games The past couple of years we’ve had parents donate a case of water for the girls to use on our road games if you would like to donate. The past couple of years we’ve had parents donate a case of water for the girls to use on our road games if you would like to donate.