SORRENTO JUNIOR FOOTBALL CLUB SPONSORHIP PACKAGES 2014 Join our pack of sharks in 2014 and be part of our success!
Sponsoring our pack of sharks When you sponsor the Sorrento Junior Sharks you help us provide jumpers, training equipment, first aid kits, accreditations and certification for our officials and helpers, trophies and insurance and you help us fund and run the administration of the club. But most importantly – “You help us keep our kids involved in competitive sport and you ensure our players and family members enjoy playing football for the Sharks!” This year we are fielding 2 x U/10s, U/11’s, U/12’s, U/14’s and U/16’s and already 2014 is shaping up to be a very successful year both on and off the field. All proceeds are directed back into the club and last year we developed a number of new initiatives including new website, new club branding and new jumpers for all players at a cost of $10,000, to ensure the footy experience on match day is the most enjoyable it can be for all who come to watch and support our club. These will continue in 2014 as well as some new initiatives like sponsor messaging using our new electronic scoreboard and a new club website was a great year for our pack of sharks, with our U/11’s, U/16s and U/14s playing in semi finals. We also fielded 6 teams in 2013 and in 2014 we will field at least 6 teams. Sponsorship also gives you access to our Auskick branch and in total your brand will reach over 220 families in the Sorrento, Rye, Blairgowrie area directly and a further 500 club associates indirectly. So come on board as a sponsor and get behind our ‘pack of sharks’ in Please speak to us about sponsoring the Sorrento Juniors and get your business name and services out to over 100 families and the extended Sorrento community. SPONSORING THE Sharks BENEFITS ALL
SPONSORSHIP PACKAGES 2014 Cost: $1300 – only 2 packages available Benefits: Brand/logo listed on masthead of website Key branding (masthead and sponsor’s page – SJFC website) Brand/logo on sponsor’s board at club as Major Sponsor Brand/log featured as Major Sponsor on club notice board Sorrento Score Board sponsor’s role through – brand and key messages during home scheduled matches – 8 x per year (number may change due to draw) Brand/logo at all club functions Opportunity to have Brand/logo or business service featured at canteen counter for up to 8 home games (may include special offer for club members) Branding and sponsor services advertorial on dedicated page - website Option to sponsor all teams and have Brand/logo positioned on playing jumpers (additional $3700 for each of 3 years) – commitment to ($5,000 for 1x1x1 with 1 year option is a condition of this package MAJOR SPONSOR This package taken…not available until after 2015
SPONSORSHIP PACKAGES 2014 Cost: $450 Benefits: Brand featured on sponsor’s page – SJFC website Brand/logo on sponsor’s board at club as Support Sponsor Brand/logo featured as Support Sponsor on club notice board Brand/log displayed at all club functions Opportunity to have Brand/logo or business service featured at canteen counter for 2 home games (may include special offer for club members) Home match raffle sponsors for ‘in-kind ‘prizes are required and this package best suits this sponsorship level. This package may also be taken up in the form of special match day awards for our players TO THE VALUE OF THE SPONSORSHIP e.g. match award gift vouchers SUPPORT SPONSOR
SPONSORSHIP PACKAGES 2014 Cost: $250 Benefits: Brand/logo featured as Associate Sponsor on weekly ‘e’ newsletter (6 editions) Brand/logo featured on dedicated sponsor’s page – website Brand/logo on all team huddle banners (refer last page) Brand/logo featured on sponsor’s board as Associate Sponsor Brand/logo featured as Associate Sponsor on club notice board Opportunity to have Brand/logo or business service featured at canteen counter for 1 home game (may include special offer for club members) * In 2013, 23 sponsors supported the club via this package ** This package may be taken up in the form of special match day awards for our players TO THE VALUE OF THE SPONSORHIP e.g. match award gift vouchers ASSOCIATE SPONSOR – our most popular package
SPONSORSHIP PACKAGES 2014 The Sorrento Junior Football Club is keen to accommodate any sponsor wishing to promote their business or service to the Sorrento Football members and wider community. Speak to us about how you might like to showcase your business and/or service and let’s design a promotion or sponsorship package that’s right for your business. * Pricing will depend on package agreed. * Please contact either Daryl Bird (President) on M: or Rudy Rulach (President) on M: to discuss which sponsorship package is right for you, or we can tailor match a sponsorhip package to your needs. SPECIAL SPONSORSHIP PACKAGES
SPONSORSHIP PACKAGES 2014 Quarter time huddle banner – 1 per team and these travel around all grounds we play on… (example only) Your logo here Proudly supports the Sorrento Junior Football Club Jumper Sponsorship Your logo here $200 additional for Major Sponsor $600 as stand alone or non Major Sponsorship $3700 additional for Major Sponsor New brand and playing strip all teams in 2013 (refer next page) All new jumpers in 2013 ADVERTISING EXAMPLES FOR SPECIFIC LEVELS: Additionally, sign up for a scoreboard roll through sponsor’s package – ask us! This package taken…not available until 2015
SPONSORSHIP PACKAGES 2014 JUMPER NAMING RIGHTS SPONSORSHIP Your logo HERE! This package taken…not available until 2015