Buenos Aires Flag History Language Religion Sports Music Animals
The largest city in Argentina Established in 1536 Population – million Nicknamed – the South American Paris Capital of Argentina
Made by Manuel Belgrano Composed of three equally horizontal bands Adopted-February 27, 1812 Sun of May In the center-means golden sun Colors-blue, white, and yellow
Europeans first arrived-1502 The 8 th largest country in the world A war lasted until 1861-ended with Buenos Aires as capital Got independence from Spain-July 9, 1816
Official language is Spanish The largest Spanish-Speaking Society After Spanish the most spoken is English 42.3% speak English Portuguese is highly popular English is taught since elementary school
Has the largest Jewish population of any country 11% are non-religious 24% attend religion services regularly 67% Christian, 1% Muslim
Official sport is pato Played with a six-handle ball on horseback Most popular sport is football National football team has won 2 gold medals in Olympics Basketball is second most popular Won 1 Olympic gold medal and one bronze
Tango is Buenos Aires’s musical symbol The golden age of Tango is Jazz The best-known Argentine Jazz musician is Leandro Gato Barbieri He is internationally known for his composition – Mission: Impossible
Brazilian Squirrel – dark brown, feeds on mainly fruits/nuts but also preys on eggs and young birds Spinner Dolphin – found offshore in tropical waters, famous for its displays in which it spins along its axis as it leaps through the air Black Howler – species of howler monkey, only the adult male is black, live in groups from 3 to 19