2015 Chelsea Football
Responsibility At home At school At football
Jason Berryhill – 8 th Grade Head Football Coach/Offensive Coordinator Richard Powers – 7 th Grade Head Football Coach/Defensive Coordinator Heath Butler – Offensive/Defensive Line Ray Franklin – RB/Defensive Line Sam Haney – Offensive/Defensive Line
Safety First Treat players and coaches with respect. Adhere to time constraints Demonstrate positive and appropriate behaviors Promote player development.
Per Player - $350 Spirit Pack - $100 Football Fees - $200 Athletic Fee - $50 (required)
Game Related Expenses (Transportation, Meals, Referees, Security, etc.) - $100 Equipment Rental and Field Usage: (Equipment Replacement and Improvements, etc.) – $100 Athletic Fee - $50 (Coaching requirements, custodial support)
You are allowed two misses from summer workouts.
You are expected at practice every day unless you have a Dr. excuse. You must make at least ½ day to be eligible to play in a game.
BSN – April 6 – April 17th July 1 st - $125 August 1 st - $125 If there are issues about payments please see me, otherwise you will be held accountable.
Academic First Forms – grades will be checked at every progress report and report card. Anybody with below a 70% in any class will attend 1 hour of study hall the following week. At the end of the week, a grade report will be filled out by all their teachers. At that time, if all grades are above 70% they are exempt from study hall until the next grade report is issued. If any grade is below a 70%, the player will have another hour of study hall the following week. This will continue until the weekly grade report shows all grades above 70%.
Playing time will not be discussed with parents. Leave the coaching to the coaches. 24 Hour Rule – If you are frustrated about the outcome of the game or decisions of the coaching staff please allow at least 24 hours before making contact. Including assistants. July 4 th Deadline for being on the team.
The 3 Strike Policy will come into effect for the following behaviors: ISD, Suspension, Disrespect towards coaches, players or teachers, or opponents. Three negative s from teachers i.e., behavior/attitude or 3 ASD will constitute a strike. Each or ASD will include extra conditioning/field work. Behavior – 3 Strike Policy Strike 1 – Suspension from Game Strike 2 – Suspension from Game Strike 3 – Removal from team without refund
Behaviors listed are examples of the types of behaviors that would constitute a strike. The coaching staff will still have the discretion to punish other behaviors not specifically outlined in the policy.
Signs – $500 for football season *1 sign = Covers fees and donation Fireworks Sale (During Spring Training) 3/13- 3/27 Zaxby’s
Calendar/Schedule Contact Info Star Sportsmanship Concussion Form Sign Fundraiser Concession Volunteer Dates Help needed – Concessions, Video, Pre-Game Meals