Football Development Committee The BUCS Football Development Committee will comprise of no more than 12 individuals who collectively will meet 4 times per year and support the delivery of the BUCS Football Development Strategy. The Football Development Committee will be an action group consisting of key practioners from the higher education sector and from wider partners all of whom possess a passion for the development of university football and share in our vision. ‘To enhance the student experience through football, to support and promote the lifestyle and educational benefits to communities and individuals of taking part in football, and to provide outstanding opportunities to all students to engage in football and related activity in higher education.’ The BUCS Football Development Committee will work in partnership with the BUCS Football Advisory Group with one member of the Football Development Committee elected to sit on the BUCS Football Advisory Group. Dates for the 2014 meetings are as follows Thursday 11 th September 2014 – BUCS Head Office 11am-2pm Thursday 20 th November 2014 – BUCS Head Office 11am-2pm (2015 dates will be decided at the 1 st meeting) PLEASE NOTE: During the first year the group will be tasked with supporting BUCS to carry out a robust review of the Football and Futsal competitions. Aims of the BUCS Football Development Strategy The BUCS Football Development Strategy sets out the vision, key priorities, targets and investment into higher education football and represents the higher educations contribution to the delivery of the FA National Game Strategy. The Football Development Strategy consists of four key goals; 1.Growth and Retention – sustaining and increasing the number of players in higher education football. 2.Raising Standards – creating a safe and positive environment for students engaged in football. 3.Developing Better Players – increasing the number and quality of student coaches and referees. 4.Running the Game effectively – To run and administer the game to the higher possible standard. And two enablers 1.Workforce – The development of a highly skilled, diverse, paid and voluntary university football workforce. 2.Marketing and PR – Engagement through transparent marketing and communication plan that reaches everyone involved in university football. 1
Football Development Committee Have you been convicted of any criminal offences? If yes, please supply details of any criminal convictions: Is a criminal prosecution pending? First name: Surname: Title: Date of birth: Mobile:Work telephone: Home address: Occupation: Current organisation/institution Expression of Interest Form STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 2 Please tell us your reason/motivation for wanting to join the BUCS Football Development Committee
Football Development Committee Skills, qualities, knowledge and experience of members Please note: You are not required to meet all the below however BUCS will look to recruit a group that collectively can cover the range of skills, qualities, knowledge and experience we require to contribute towards the success of the group. 1.Visionary forward thinking with experience of creating and implementing development plans. 2.A broad knowledge of football programmes and the player pathway for students in the higher education sector. 3.An understanding of the FA priorities for developing grassroots football and strategies that support this. 4.Reflect collectively the diversity of the sector. 5.Knowledge and experience of sports research and analysis. 6.A commitment to attend at least 4 meetings per academic year. 7.A commitment to act as an ambassador for football development within the higher education Sector. 8.An understanding of current student demand for football and current participation trends. Please tell us how you meet the person specification as set out above (max 500 words) Please continue on separate sheet if required Expression of Interest Form STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 3
Football Development Committee I confirm that all information given in this form is correct to the best of my knowledge, that all the questions related to me have been accurately and fully answered and that I am in possession of the qualifications I claim to hold. I understand that any omission or misrepresentation may render me liable to dismissal should I be selected. I give my consent to BUCS to record, process and validate my personal information and sensitive personal data in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and all other legislative provisions. SIGNED……………………………………………………………DATE………………………………………… Data Protection The information that you provide on this form and that is obtained from the other relevant sources will be used to process your application for involvement on this group. The personal information that you give us will also be used in a confidential manner to help us monitor our recruitment process. We may check the information collected with third parties or with other information held by us. By signing the expression of interest form we will be assuming that you agree to the processing of sensitive personal data (as described above), in accordance with our registration with the Data Protection Policy Expression of Interest Form STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 4 Date Received:Date Acknowledged: Application Number: Staff initials: Please return completed application forms to Oliver Selfe Football Development Manager, British Universities & Colleges Sport, Kings Bench Street, London, SE1 0QX or by to The deadline for application onto the 2014/2015 Football Development Committee is; midnight on Friday 1st August 2014