Czech Republic By Sophie
10.52 million
You might remember, I asked someone to circle Botswana on a map. Let’s do the same again but this time, who thinks they can circle Czech Republic?
European polecat (so cute!!!) Brown bear Wild boar (I don’t like this one) Northern bat Pond bat
The Czech currency is Czech koruna
Some words/sentences in Czech: Hello=ahoj How are you= jak se máte What is your name= jaké je vaše jméno Goodbye=sbohem I am at school=Já jsem ve škole I’m doing a presentation on Czech Republic=Dělám prezentaci o České republice
Is Czech Republic landlocked or surrounded by water? The answer is… Landlocked! DUH! IN THE PICTURE!
Name 2 animals in Czech Republic
Is Czech Republic landlocked or surrounded by water?
What is the population?