HOW TO MAINTAIN A BUDGET! (Lesson Plans) by Jo Ann Grant
INTRODUCTION Maintaining a budget is an important skill to develop Budgeting skills help you to NOT overspend and develop debt Budgeting skills help you to prioritize how you should spend your money
LESSON GOALS Evaluate your spending habits Create a budget that matches your finances Practice budgeting
BUDGET ACTIVITIES Step 1: As a class activity, create a list of all “everyday” expenses that an individual might have when living alone (rent, cable, car, etc.) Step 2: In a group, estimate the cost of each “everyday” expense using the Expense Form Step 3: Review as class - come up with reasonable estimates for each expense
BUDGET ACTIVITIES Step 4: After class discussion, groups get back together in order to complete the Practice Budget Assignment Practice Budget AssignmentPractice Budget Assignment NOTE: Use the Budget Calculator Budget CalculatorBudget Calculator
CONCLUSION Maintaining a budget is an important tool to develop One main reason why so many individuals are in debt is because they did not know how to budget their finances