2010 NESD JO Volleyball (North East South Dakota) Open to grades 4-12 females Must live within 100 mile radius of Aberdeen Affiliated with North County Region – headquarters in Minneapolis –All policies and procedures under their direction –Insurance included with registration fee
Age groupings 18 and under Division: Players who were born on or after Sept. 1, 1991, or players who were born on or after Sept. 1, 1990, and a high school student during some part of the current academic year. 17 and under Division: Players who were born on or after Sept. 1, (Grade 11 North Country Region only!)* 16 and under Division: Players who were born on or after Sept. 1, (Grade 10 North Country Region only!)* 15 and under Division: Players who were born on or after Sept. 1, (Grade 9 North Country Region only!)* 14 and under Division: Players who were born on or after Sept. 1, (Grade 8 North Country Region only!)* 13 and under Division: Players who were born on or after Sept. 1, (Grade 7 North Country Region only!)* 12 and under Division: Players who were born on or after Sept. 1, (Grade 6 North Country Region only!)*
Tournaments All teams entered in 4 tournaments Saturday’s for 12’s and 14’s Sunday’s for 16’s and 18’s Aberdeen, Jamestown, Huron, Watertown, Fargo, Sioux Falls, Mitchell, Bismark, St. Cloud, Marshall, Morris, Grand Forks etc. Older division – we try to work around proms – we need to know conflicts now!!!
Practices This is not a school sponsored activity Schools have been good working with us to have our practices We are not a priority in getting gym time Players need to be committed to getting to practices as well as tournaments. To become a better player you need to play and practice. Consistent times and days each week
Communication This is the key to our success – please help Accurate – parents especially Can we text????? Need to check on daily basis, especially if weather or track meet change, Tournament info sent via Coaches will do all communicating after we start practices
Team selection for all ages We have never “cut” a player Everyone will be on a team unless we don’t have enough coaches or practice facilities Team size is kept low so lots of playing time Conflicts, especially with older teams, plays a role in team selection We want to stay with ages as much as possible but can move up to older age grouping if necessary. Players can play on other teams within the club to help at tournaments if needed. We aren’t perfect when splitting up teams. Our goal is to touch as many volleyballs as possible. We don’t know the “politics” going on at your schools nor do we want to know them.
Options for participants Option 1 –Team selection Jan 31 st for 12’s and 14’s Feb 7 th for 16’s and 18’s Need to attend to participate –Practice begins March 14 th –Two practices a week – one practice if tournament that weekend ( Sunday ) –4 one day tournaments –Season ends early May –Cost is $250 – includes everything except travel expenses (food, gas, hotel room)
Options Option 2 - Additional - 3 day tournament –Team selection Jan 24 th Need to attend to participate –Practice begins March 14 th –Two practices a week – one practice if tournament that weekend ( Sunday ) –3 one day tournaments plus 3 day tournament in Minneapolis – April 16-18, 2010 Friday-Sunday 14 Club, 14 Open, 15 Club, 15 Open April 23-25, 2010 Friday-Sunday 12 Club, 13 Club, 16 Club, 16 Open, 17 Club, 17 Open, 18 Club, 18 Open –Season ends early May –Cost is $350 – includes everything except travel expenses (food, gas, hotel room)
Commitment Be realistic – how much is on my plate We work around school activities but can’t work around everything else. You are a part of a team so you need to be able to practice and attend tournaments.
Parent Board We need parents in all age divisions We meet a couple times a year You help with communications with players and parents You help provide direction for the club Parent Board Meeting Sun. Jan 17 th 3:00pm at Barnett Center
Contact Information Need parent and player’s correct info Paperwork can be accessed on webpage – Info on volleyball site on right column We will also have practice schedule etc on page as we progress. Lisa Schriver –