IQC Edward Kearney
Why is IQC/EQA important? To ensure the test result is fit for purpose
EQA Historic Accuracy Repeated samples may give precision
Who determines if a patient gets a statin? We do !
Who determines if a patient gets a Dx of DM? We do !
Who determines if a patient gets a prostrate biopsy? We do !
Who determines if a patient gets dialysis? We do !
How do we know we are right? We do !
Westgard .com “1575”
Fasting Glucose 6.8 mmol/L = IFG Fasting Glucose 7.2 mmol/L = DM Diabetes Fasting Plasma Glucose > 7.0 mmol/L On two or more occasions can make the diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus Fasting Glucose 6.8 mmol/L = IFG Fasting Glucose 7.2 mmol/L = DM
Acute Coronary Syndrome Troponin T > 0.05 ug/L = Biochemical evidence of cardiac damage < 0.05 ug/L = No Biochemical evidence of cardiac damage
How do we know we are right? Standardisation Calibrators Reagents Test conditions Quality Control External Quality Assurance (EQA) Internal Quality Control (IQC)
IQC Real time Stable process Bias Precision Statistical QC Electronic QC
IQC Materials Mimic Patients sample Cover normal and pathological range Ideal – decision points
Controlling the quality - IQC Compare process performance with what is expected under stable operation Stable performance determined by assaying control material over time : Calculate mean and SD Measurements are made continually and compared with the original distribution Unexpected results are identified to alert the analyst to possible changes in process performance
Multi-rule QC Westgard rules
Use and Interpretation of Common Statistical Tests in Method-Comparison Studies - all 2 versions » JO Westgard, MR Hunt - Clinical Chemistry, 1973 Performance characteristics of rules for internal quality control: probabilities for false rejection JO Westgard, T Groth, T Aronsson, H Falk, CH de … - Clinical Chemistry, 1977 A multi-rule Shewhart chart for quality control in clinical chemistry – JO Westgard, PL Barry, MR Hunt, T Groth - Clinical Chemistry, 1981 Assuring analytical quality through process planning and quality control. JO Westgard - Arch Pathol Lab Med, 1992 European specifications for imprecision and inaccuracy compared with operating specifications JO Westgard, JJ Seehafer, PL Barry - Clinical Chemistry, 1994 Internal quality control: planning and implementation strategies JO Westgard - Annals of Clinical Biochemistry, 2003 The Quality of Laboratory Testing Today, An Assessment of σ Metrics for Analytic Quality Using Performance Data From Proficiency Testing Surveys and the CLIA Criteria for Acceptable Performance James O. Westgard, and Sten A. Westgard. Am J Clin Pathol 2006;125:343-354
X Conceptual basis of the control chart Very Unexpected Somewhat Unexpected X 250 260 245 240 255 235 265 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 1 2 3 4 Run Number (or Time, Date) Determine the expected distribution of control values Calculate mean and SD from control data to establish control limits for control chart Expect control values to fall with certain control limits 95% within 2 SD 99.7% within 3 SD Plot control values versus time to provide control chart Identify unexpected values James O Westgard Internal quality control: planning and implementation strategies Ann Clin Biochem 2003; 40: 593–611
Take Corrective Action Flowchart and logic for the multirule IQC procedure commonly known as “Westgard Rules” QC Data 12s 13s 22s R4s 41s 10x Report Results Take Corrective Action James O Westgard Internal quality control: planning and implementation strategies Ann Clin Biochem 2003; 40: 593–611
IQC 2 SD rule for 1 QC sample Statistically 1 in 20 will be outside this range This is not unexpected 5% of runs (false) rejected
IQC 2 SD rule for 3 QC samples 18% of runs (false) rejected This is not unexpected
What actually happens? EM Kearney. The South Thames (East) Quality Assurance Liasion Group (1998) James O Westgard. Internal quality control: planning and implementation strategies Ann Clin Biochem 2003; 40: 593–611 David Housley. North Thames audit and QA group: Audit of Internal Quality Control practice and processes. (2005)
5. NUMBER OF SAMPLES USED TO ASSIGN QC VALUES 1 = provisionally 3, then re-assessed at 15 2 = 10 – 15 1 = 12 11 = 20 (one 20 days ?); one with minimum of 1 month run in (major variations discussed with manufacturer); one re-assess after 1000; some variation in number of batches / days etc 1 = 20 - 25 1 = > 30 3 = at least 50 1 = adjusted every month 9 ( no number stated) David Housley. North Thames audit and QA group: Audit of Internal Quality Control practice and processes. (2005)
EP5-A Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (NCCLS) EP5-A Evaluation of precision performance of Clinical Chemistry Devices: Approved guidelines. Precision Evaluation Experiment Recommendations Minimum of 20 working days Batch analysers: two runs per day with two test samples at each of at least two levels. Random access: four samples at each level should be analysed through out the day. At the end of each 5 days the control limits are recalculated and all data checked for acceptability. The cause of outliers should be determined. Data may not be rejected without valid justification. Learning curve data may be rejected and replaced by a equal number of points at the end. Other methods: Not recommended: Single run of 20 samples for within run Single observation each day for 10 – 20 days for day to day Because: Single runs do not reflect usual operating parameters, thus adversely affecting the estimate. Single observations will be highly dependent on the number of days used.
EP5-A Random access: Four samples at each level should be analysed through out the day. At the end of each 5 days the control limits are recalculated and all data checked for acceptability. The cause of outliers should be determined. Data may not be rejected without valid justification. Learning curve data may be rejected and replaced by a equal number of points at the end.
Criteria use to determine acceptability Written procedure 1 Professional judgement 6 Combination of above 12 EM Kearney the South Thames (East) Quality Assurance Liasion Group (1998)
Is the procedure always adhered to? Yes 2 Mostly 1 No 5 Blank 11 EM Kearney the South Thames (East) Quality Assurance Liasion Group (1998)
QC rules used for calcium? 2SD 6 3SD 1 12s + Multi-rules 1 Westgard 3 Limits professional judgement, Vitros F2/F3 EM Kearney the South Thames (East) Quality Assurance Liasion Group (1998)
Calcium QC rule violated describe the process for dealing with this Check QC 3 Rerun 12 Recalibrate 4 Inspect QC history 1 EM Kearney the South Thames (East) Quality Assurance Liasion Group (1998)
Westgard Rules 1. Check control 2 Make up new 1. Repeat 2 Make up new 1. Repeat 2 Recalibrate EM Kearney the South Thames (East) Quality Assurance Liasion Group (1998)
9. ARE WESTGARD RULES USED AS PRIMARY FORM OF DATA EVALUATION? YES = 18 (62%) NO = 11 (38%) 1 = Mean and target range (< 2SD) 5 = single 2SD rule 1 = single 1.5 SD rule 1 = not formally but simplified Westgard used 1 = under consideration 1 = Instrument set flag points, but no rule stated 1 = 2SD in first instance, then Westgard for detail bias profile David Housley. North Thames audit and QA group: Audit of Internal Quality Control practice and processes. (2005)
REASONS FOR ACCEPTING FAILED QC Only if not clinically significant – 7 sites Lack of reagent prevents change Lack of staff, pressure to reduce TAT, demotivated staff Checked with EQA Various. eg. very close to limit, one QC in/ one QC out, QC deterioration before new QC is ready e.g. lot no. change until new range established. Only if all attempts to correct it have failed Only after consultation with manufacturer Only if calibrant returns result to normal Only if no reason can be found and 1 QC out eg. If LDH QC is out, the reagent is changed the next day David Housley. North Thames audit and QA group: Audit of Internal Quality Control practice and processes. (2005)
Planning strategies (doing the right IQC) Define the quality requirement for the test Determine the method precision and bias Identify candidate IQC procedures Predict IQC performance Select goals for IQC performance Select an appropriate IQC procedure
Operating Specifications (smeas, biasmeas, control rules, N) A system of quality requirements and operating specifications Clinical Outcome Criteria (DInt) Analytical Outcome Criteria (TEa) Operating Specifications (smeas, biasmeas, control rules, N) Proficiency Testing Criteria Medically Important Changes Total Biologic Goals Individual Performance Criteria SDMax, BiasMax Diagnostic Classification State of the Art Arbitrary Control James O Westgard Internal quality control: planning and implementation strategies Ann Clin Biochem 2003; 40: 593–611
Power curves for commonly used IQC procedures having two control measurements per run. Pfr, or the probability for false rejection, is given by the y-intercept. Ped, the probability for error detection, depends on the size error occurring, which is illustrated by the vertical line, and estimated by reading the y-value at the point of intersection with the power curve. Systematic Error (SE, multiples of s) Probability for Rejection (P) Power Function Graph (SE) Pfr given by y-intercept Ped depends on size of systematic error James O Westgard Internal quality control: planning and implementation strategies Ann Clin Biochem 2003; 40: 593–611
Probability for Rejection (P) Power Function Graph (SE) Example use of a power function graph to assess IQC performance for a cholesterol test where the medically important systematic error is equivalent to 2.85 times the standard deviation of the method. Probability for Rejection (P) Power Function Graph (SE) Systematic Error (SE, multiples of s) Probability of false rejection, Pfr given by y-intercepts Probability of error detection, Ped , depends on size of systematic error Pfr is 0.07 to 0.01 Ped is 1.00 to 0.40 James O Westgard Internal quality control: planning and implementation strategies Ann Clin Biochem 2003; 40: 593–611
Probability for Rejection (P) Power Function Graph (SE) Sizes of systematic errors that can be detected with 90% assurance by different IQC procedures Probability for Rejection (P) Power Function Graph (SE) Systematic Error (SE, multiples of s) Lines show SE detectable with 90% chance by different QC procedures James O Westgard Internal quality control: planning and implementation strategies Ann Clin Biochem 2003; 40: 593–611
Mathematical basis for a chart of operating specifications that shows the bias and imprecision that are allowable for different IQC procedures, whose control rules and Ns are given in the key at the right. Allowable Inaccuracy (bias, %) Allowable Imprecision (s, %) James O Westgard Internal quality control: planning and implementation strategies Ann Clin Biochem 2003; 40: 593–611
Plot your observed CV and bias Application of the OPSpecs tool by plotting the observed method bias as the y-coordinate and the observed method precision as the x-coordinant to describe the “operating point” of an analytical method. Allowable Inaccuracy (bias, %) Allowable Imprecision (s, %) OPSpecs Chart TEa 10% with 90%AQA(SE) Plot your observed CV and bias James O Westgard Internal quality control: planning and implementation strategies Ann Clin Biochem 2003; 40: 593–611
A practical procedure for planning and selecting IQC procedures. 1. Define quality required for diagnostic test, %TEa 2. Assess method %bias, %CV 3. Calculate normalized operating point 4. Plot on normalized OPSpecs charts or EZ rules3 5. Inspect normalized OPSpecs charts 6. Select control rules, number of measurements 7. Adopt Total QC strategy 8. Reassess for changes James O Westgard Internal quality control: planning and implementation strategies Ann Clin Biochem 2003; 40: 593–611
Total quality control strategies (TQC) that illustrate the proper combination of IQC with instrument and function checks (Other QC) and need for quality improvement (QI). HI-Ped Strategy IQC Other QC QI MOD-Ped LO-Ped James O Westgard Internal quality control: planning and implementation strategies Ann Clin Biochem 2003; 40: 593–611
A detailed flowchart to guide the development of TQC strategies. Minimize cost of statistical QC non-statistical QC Maximize error detection Improve method performance Document TQC system Optimize QC for process stability Deploy skilled analysts Add patient data QC Apply QP process with OPSpecs charts AQA or Ped HI-Ped (90%) MOD-Ped (50%) LO-Ped (<50%) James O Westgard Internal quality control: planning and implementation strategies Ann Clin Biochem 2003; 40: 593–611
Results of an example application of IQC design for a multitest chemistry analyzer. Probability for Rejection (P) Critical-Error Graph (SE) Systematic Error (SE, multiples of s) Albumin CO2 Chloride OTHER TESTS Crit SE > 4.0 Creatinine, T Bil, UA Potassium, GGT, ALP, Phosphorous BUN, Cholesterol AST, LD, Glucose Total Protein Calcium James O Westgard Internal quality control: planning and implementation strategies Ann Clin Biochem 2003; 40: 593–611
Implementation of a multistage IQC strategy. Select QC design from drop-down list material Enter control result Program calculates z-value Out-of-control identified by red bar STARTUP QC design uses multirule MONITOR 2.5s limits displays on scale -4 to +4 Multi-chart display shows multiple materials and multiple designs with multi-rule or single-rule QC procedures James O Westgard Internal quality control: planning and implementation strategies Ann Clin Biochem 2003; 40: 593–611
Validation Reports, Peer Reports A Total Quality Control Support System that integrate IQC and EQA Interfaces or Manual data entry Laboratory testing processes Internal QC Accept/Reject EQA data transfer EQA Data Analysis IQC Planning And Design Inservice training Validation tools Documentation Validation Reports, Peer Reports Toubleshooting Inventory, ordering Production, shipping Supplies & materials Internet Support Services James O Westgard Internal quality control: planning and implementation strategies Ann Clin Biochem 2003; 40: 593–611
What to do? Do define the quality required for the test Do select QC procedures that minimise false rejections Do select QC procedures that detect medically important errors Do adopt modern QC planning tools and techniques Do standardise QC operations Do calculate control limits from your own laboratory data Do provide computer support to analyse and interpret QC data Do reject out-of-control runs, identify the problem, and eliminate the cause Do adopt a Total QC strategy to maximise the cost-effectiveness of QC Do calculate daily/weekly/monthly patient means
What not to do? Don’t use 2SD control limits Don’t just repeat the controls Don’t use the same control rules for all tests Don’t use bottle values to calculate control limits Don’t use medical decision limits as control limits Don’t rely on electronic QC alone Don’t eliminate SQC in POC applications
Additional methods of IQC Average of Normals (AoN, Daily patient means) Standard signals Experience Expertise
IQM Monitors system performance real time Automatically detects potential failures that affect the analytical performance Automatically performs corrective action Automatically documents failures and actions taken Provides quality control reports
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