Surgery – Quality of Life Panel Discussion Jan Olofsson, MD, PhD Professor & Head Department of Otolaryngology/ Head & Neck Surgery Haukeland University Hospital Bergen, Norway JO Jan Olofsson, MD, PhD Professor & Head Department of Otolaryngology/ Head & Neck Surgery Haukeland University Hospital Bergen, Norway JO Surgery – Quality of Life Frankfurt, Germany January 2006
Surgery – Quality of Life Panel Discussion The following QoL-studies have been published from the Department of ORL/HNS, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway: 1. Relation between mood, social support and the quality of life in patients with laryngectomies. E.J. Birkhaug, H.J. Aarstad, A.K.H. Aarstad, J. Olofsson. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2002; 259: Personality Traits in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients in Relation to Disease Extent and Prognosis. H.J. Aarstad, J.-H. Heimdal, A.K.H. Aarstad, J. Olofsson. Acta Otolaryngol 2002; 122: The personality and quality of life in HNSCC patients following treatment. H.J. Aarstad. A.K.H. Aarstad, E.J. Birkhaug, E. Bru, J.Olofsson. European Journal of Cancer 2003;39: JO The following QoL-studies have been published from the Department of ORL/HNS, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway: 1. Relation between mood, social support and the quality of life in patients with laryngectomies. E.J. Birkhaug, H.J. Aarstad, A.K.H. Aarstad, J. Olofsson. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2002; 259: Personality Traits in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients in Relation to Disease Extent and Prognosis. H.J. Aarstad, J.-H. Heimdal, A.K.H. Aarstad, J. Olofsson. Acta Otolaryngol 2002; 122: The personality and quality of life in HNSCC patients following treatment. H.J. Aarstad. A.K.H. Aarstad, E.J. Birkhaug, E. Bru, J.Olofsson. European Journal of Cancer 2003;39: JO Surgery – Quality of Life Frankfurt, Germany January 2006
Surgery – Quality of Life Panel Discussion 4.Quality of life, mood and social support in laryngectomized patients. E.J. Birkhaug, H.J. Aarstad, A.K.H. Aarstad, J. Olofsson. International Congress Series 2003;1240: Mood, anxiety and sense of humor in head and neck cancer patients in relation to disease stage, prognosis and quality of life. H.J. Aarstad, A.K.H. Aarstad, J.-H. Heimdal, J. Olofsson. Acta Otolaryngol 2005; 125: Psychological coping style versus disease extent, tumour treatment and quality of life in successfully treated head and neck squamous cell carcinoma patients. A.K.H. Aarstad, H.J. Aarstad, E. Bru, J. Olofsson. Clin. Otolaryngol. 2005;30: The amount of treatment versus quality of life in patients formerly treated for head and neck squamous cell carcinomas. H.J. Aarstad, A.K.H. Aaarstad, S. Lybak, O.Monge, J.Olofsson. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2006;263:9-15. JO 4.Quality of life, mood and social support in laryngectomized patients. E.J. Birkhaug, H.J. Aarstad, A.K.H. Aarstad, J. Olofsson. International Congress Series 2003;1240: Mood, anxiety and sense of humor in head and neck cancer patients in relation to disease stage, prognosis and quality of life. H.J. Aarstad, A.K.H. Aarstad, J.-H. Heimdal, J. Olofsson. Acta Otolaryngol 2005; 125: Psychological coping style versus disease extent, tumour treatment and quality of life in successfully treated head and neck squamous cell carcinoma patients. A.K.H. Aarstad, H.J. Aarstad, E. Bru, J. Olofsson. Clin. Otolaryngol. 2005;30: The amount of treatment versus quality of life in patients formerly treated for head and neck squamous cell carcinomas. H.J. Aarstad, A.K.H. Aaarstad, S. Lybak, O.Monge, J.Olofsson. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2006;263:9-15. JO Surgery – Quality of Life Frankfurt, Germany January 2006
Surgery – Quality of Life Panel Discussion Questionnaires used: EORTC QLQ – C 30 (Version 3.0) QLQ - H&N 35 QoL BDI (Beck Depression Inventory) EPI – Eysench Personality Inventory including a lie scale Spielberger Trait Inventory (state) JO Questionnaires used: EORTC QLQ – C 30 (Version 3.0) QLQ - H&N 35 QoL BDI (Beck Depression Inventory) EPI – Eysench Personality Inventory including a lie scale Spielberger Trait Inventory (state) JO Surgery – Quality of Life Frankfurt, Germany January 2006
Surgery – Quality of Life Panel Discussion Conclusions: 1. QoL in laryngectomized patients similar as general group HNSCC 2. Social support did not correlate with QoL in laryngectomized patients 3. High BDI scores associated reduced QoL 4. Pos. association activity in NLS (Norwegian Laryngectomy Society) and QoL JO Conclusions: 1. QoL in laryngectomized patients similar as general group HNSCC 2. Social support did not correlate with QoL in laryngectomized patients 3. High BDI scores associated reduced QoL 4. Pos. association activity in NLS (Norwegian Laryngectomy Society) and QoL JO Surgery – Quality of Life Frankfurt, Germany January 2006
Surgery – Quality of Life Panel Discussion Conclusions cont’d: 5.Neuroticism scores higher in HNSCC patient than among controls 6.Neuroticism correlated to alcohol intake 7.Sense humour predicted QoL and depression levels at follow-up 8.Coping important. Level avoidance coping inversely associated with HRQoL JO Conclusions cont’d: 5.Neuroticism scores higher in HNSCC patient than among controls 6.Neuroticism correlated to alcohol intake 7.Sense humour predicted QoL and depression levels at follow-up 8.Coping important. Level avoidance coping inversely associated with HRQoL JO Surgery – Quality of Life Frankfurt, Germany January 2006
Surgery – Quality of Life Panel Discussion Conclusions cont’d:: 9.TNM and type therapy predicted QoL-score 10.N-stage associated higher anxiety scores and depression levels 11.Neck irradiation and neck dissection most closely associated to H&N QoL-scores 12.More selective neck treatment indicated? JO Conclusions cont’d:: 9.TNM and type therapy predicted QoL-score 10.N-stage associated higher anxiety scores and depression levels 11.Neck irradiation and neck dissection most closely associated to H&N QoL-scores 12.More selective neck treatment indicated? JO Surgery – Quality of Life Frankfurt, Germany January 2006
Surgery – Quality of Life Panel Discussion EORTC QLQ – C 30 EORTC QLQ – H&N consecutive patients included After the first year still persisting side effects for the group as a whole Some individuals had improved global HRQL HRQL can identify those individuals who need additional support and symptom relief. JO EORTC QLQ – C 30 EORTC QLQ – H&N consecutive patients included After the first year still persisting side effects for the group as a whole Some individuals had improved global HRQL HRQL can identify those individuals who need additional support and symptom relief. JO Surgery – Quality of Life Frankfurt, Germany January 2006