Student outreach programme at the STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Jo Lewis, Education and Public Outreach Manager
Using experts to build a successful programme Teacher in Residence scheme Pilot computer programming masterclass Building a pool of experts
Teacher in Residence Pilot Full year What they did
Pre-defined aims: 1.Learn about a range of STFC research and facilities 2.Use this knowledge to identify curriculum links to STFC science and technology 3.Define, agree and produce a resource which can be used by schools in the future 4.Mobilise and inspire STFC scientists and engineers to support outreach work 5.Advise the Science in Society team about best practice for working with schools, teachers and young people Teacher in Residence outcomes ✔ ✔ ✔ ? ✔
Outputs By the end of the programme we had achieved the aims and now have: A new exhibit for our Visitor Centre New resources for use in schools and on site Teacher packs to accompany Backstage Science films A handbook for staff giving tours in 3 of our main departments
Rutherford’s Gold Foil Experiment Click here to view a video of a modern day reconstruction of the experiment
a)The majority of alpha particles were deflected off at an angle b)The majority of the alpha particles rebounded straight back off the gold c)The majority of alpha particles became embedded in the gold leaf d)The majority of the alpha particles travelled in a straight line through the gold foil Which is true?
Pilot computer programming masterclass Idea suggested by supervisors For students coming on work experience Staff designing & running; I give support Pot of money for pilot
Building a pool of experts Support and encouragement OpportunitiesTrainingPeer learningObservation
STEM Ambassador Interested staff member TRAINING TRAINING & PRACTICE e.g. events guide training; core communication training PresenterTeacherDebater Expert PresenterExpert TeacherExpert Debater PRACTICE TRAINING & PRACTICE e.g. linking with a school TRAINING & PRACTICE e.g. facilitation training
The future We intend to run the Teacher in Residence scheme again in Using their final reports to ask for feedback on the process and support Getting detailed feedback from students involved in computer programming masterclass – and the staff! Piloting our training and progression on next year’s second year graduates
Thank you