At the Nevada Legislature
Nevada Legislature Biennial Legislative Session Meeting Every Odd Numbered Year Session Limited to 120 Days Over 50 Interim Committees and Subcommittees Committee Rooms in Carson City and Las Vegas
About Our State 110,561 Square Miles 322 Miles Wide 492 Miles Long Population of 2,700,551 20% in Reno/Carson City 70% in Las Vegas
History In 1991, we began videoconferencing our Legislative hearings from Carson City to Las Vegas, over 400 miles away
Rural Locations With videoconferencing, we can tie into our University’s network and communicate with rural Legislators and their constituents, saving time and travel for those Legislators. Bringing Our State Together
Videoconferencing System System Cost - $100,000 9 Codecs - $50,000 Video bridge - $42,000 Gatekeeper - $2,000 Installation - $6,000 Yearly Costs - $24,000 Equipment Maintenance - $12,000 Communication Lines (T1) - $12,000
Videoconferencing Data Since 1997, we have videoconferenced 3,294 hearings during session, from the capital in Carson City to the largest city in Nevada – Las Vegas ○ 145 hearings in 1997 ○ 729 hearings in 2011 Total attendance in Las Vegas over that period of time was 29,711 Session Meetings
Session Meetings & Attendance 1997 through
Videoconferencing Data In the past 6 years, we have had a total of 3,949 videoconferences during the interim period between sessions 376 have been Legislative interim committees 3,573 have been other state agencies Interim Meetings
Travel Savings $ $ $ $186K $221K $319K $300 $450
Questions State of Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau Eric Dugger Information Technology Services Unit Dan Dalluhn Broadcast and Production Services Unit