Maternal Child Health Coalition of Northern Nevada Lisa Lottritz, RN, BSN
Vision Work together as community partners to promote wellness and advocate for excellence in health care for the mothers, infants, and children in Northern Nevada.
Focus Initiative development Networking and communication among agencies Education development Quality assurance
Rebuilding the Coalition Identify and recruit key stakeholders Review history of MCH in Northern Nevada and conduct data analysis
Recruiting Members Over 50 letters were sent out to community agencies inviting them to attend the meeting in January 2006 to re-establish the coalition
List of Invited Guests Casa de Vida Children’s Cabinet Children’s Behavioral Services Covering Kids, Medicaid Crisis Pregnancy Center Department of Children and Family Services Early Head Start Family to Family Connection Family Resource Center HAWC Head Start March of Dimes Mead-Johnson Representative Nathan Slotnick M.D. Nevada Check Up Nevada Cooperative Extension Nevada Early Intervention Services Nevada Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Nevada Hispanic Services Nevada State Health Division Orvis Nursing Clinic Planned Parenthood Peace Project REMSA Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center University of Nevada, Reno Washoe County Department of Social Services Washoe County School District Washoe District Health Department Washoe Medical Center Washoe Pregnancy Center WIC
The Big Day Over 50 community members from over 30 community agencies attended the first meeting
The Big Day
Why do we need a Coalition? Collaboration between agencies Collect and analyze data Planning to improve processes and outcomes for families Identify best practices
Identifying Focus Areas Group Activity
Coalition Focus Areas Access to Care Teen Pregnancy Data Education/Awareness Legislation Substance Abuse/Domestic Violence
Structure Monthly meetings Agency presentations 15 minute presentations Work groups 30 minutes reserved at the end of the business meeting meet independently Quarterly guest speakers Dues are per year
By-Laws Mission – The Maternal and Child Health Coalition of Northern Nevada is a voluntary, non-profit group of individuals and public and private agencies that advocate for perinatal, maternal and child health services
By-Laws By promoting: Equal access to health care Inter-agency networking and collaboration Public awareness, education, and prevention of adverse health outcomes Support of data collection and analysis Policy development, advocacy, and legislative education
Leadership Chairperson Vice-chairperson Secretary Treasurer
Outcomes Teen Pregnancy Forum Teen Pregnancy Resource List Exploring the possibility of establishing FIMR in Washoe County Education for coalition members Join Together Northern Nevada— Methamphetamines presentation Pam Roberts from Nevada Women’s Lobby
Outcomes Two Scholarships offered for local Child Abuse and Neglect conference Identified the need for training members in specialized areas Website
Coalition Website s/mchcnn.html
Lessons Learned Establishment of a working relationship before goal development Setting short term goals instead of maintaining a broad based focus Developing a coalition wide project instead of each group working independently