Nevada Drop Out
Nevada’s drop out rate Average graduation rate nationally hit a record high of 80 percent Nevada had the lowest rate in the country at 63 percent, according to a report released today. April 2014
Students at risk to dropping out of school Lack of parent engagement Poor academic performance Work/Family economic needs Lack of a supportive adult Disconnect between school academics and work Not enough individualized attention Low student engagement
Parent Engagement Most often reported as a necessary factor for a child to be successful in school. Research stated educational support from parents is key to a child being successful and staying in school. If parents do not hold high aspirations for their child’s educational, their child will not see the purpose of staying in or doing well in school.
Academic Performance Another key factor that influences a student staying in school and graduating. After the 3rd grade children are no longer learning to read, but are now reading to learn.
Family Economic Needs Found that students from a lower social economic status were more likely to drop out of school than a student from a higher social economic status. Found that students who work more than 20 hours a week are more at risk to drop out.
Dropout prevention After-School Opportunities Alternative Schooling Career and Technology Education (CTE) Family Engagement Individualized Instruction Mentoring/Tutoring Professional Development Safe Learning Environments School-Community Cooperation