Over 5x increase in global output Nearly 12x increase in world trade Richest / Poorest 20%: 30x Richest / Poorest 20%:60x Richest / Poorest 20%: 78x There is such a country!
Khosla’s Egalitarian Beer Mug Richest fifth Poorest fifth Each horizontal band represents an equal fifth of the world’s people PeopleIncome
Equity in the UNFCCC PREAMBLE: Emphasizes differentiated responsibility, prevention of harm, differing needs, vulnerabilities, capabilities and resources. [12 out of 23 paragraphs] OBJECTIVES: Calls for economic development to proceed in a sustainable manner. PRINCIPLES: Each of 5 principles includes equity considerations: equity, special needs, precautionary measures, right to sustainable development, and developing country growth.
Equity in the Kyoto Protocol Summary of shifting principles: “Equity” does not appear Prominence of financial and technological transfers lost Focus on commitment period Focus on domestic action/options for reducing GHGs Internationally, “Minimize adverse impact” Sustainable development remains black box Tax on CDM for vulnerable countries; Regressive?
Relationship of Carbon Emissions to Income Source: World Bank (1998); Marland, et al. (1998).
450 ppm Carbon Trajectories 450 ppm Carbon Trajectories Cumulative emissions:650 GtC 1990 emission rate:6 GtC/yr 2100 emission rate:3 GtC/yr
450 ppm Carbon Trajectories
Envisioning Sustainable Development
In the end, we are the stories that we tell