Canada Regions Quest for National Identity
Canada Vast land that covers most of the northern half of North America Shares many physical characteristics with USA Unique cultural characteristics, opportunities, and challenges.
10 Provinces/Territories The provinces/territories are political divisions 5 regions based on physical features, culture, and economy.
Map of Canada
The Atlantic Provinces Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick. These border the Atlantic Ocean Part of the Appalachian Mountains. Hills covered, mixed deciduous forest, thousands of lakes and ponds. Glaciers moved across the area, leaving soil, strewn rocks and boulders.
Links to the Sea The Atlantic Provinces – Maritimes Hundreds of bays and inlets – excellent harbors for fishing fleets. Most residents live along the coast. Smallest of Canada's regions – 5% of Canada's land – 8% of its population
Economic Activities Was once the worlds richest fishing area – over-fishing Forestry and farming also important. Today – tourism is increasing, and newly found off-shore oil.
The Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Provinces
Continued… Province of Quebec and Ontario = the heartland of Canada Distinguished by three distinct landscapes 1.Canadian shield – poor soil, cold climate, but rich in mineral deposits. It covers most of Quebec and Ontario. 2.Hudson Bay Lowlands – flat, sparsely populated, swampy region between the Canadian Shield and Hudson Bay.
Continued… 3. The St. Lawrence Lowlands – rich soil, mild climate. 60% of Canada's population lives in this region.
Characteristics Of Ontario Most important feature – system of waterways. St. Lawrence Seaway – connects the St. Lawrence River with the Great Lakes. (“Canada's highway to the sea”)
Continued… Great Lakes differ in elevation. Lake Superior – 600 feet above sea level Lake Ontario – 245 feet above sea level. The system has a series of locks LOCK – enclosed area on a canal that raises or lowers ships from one water level to another.
Ontario continued… Ontario has rich soil, and abundant mineral resources. Southeastern part – farming, most people live here, manufacturing area – cars, food products, clothing, building materials. Toronto – capital of Ontario – largest metropolitan area in Canada. Ottawa – national capital of Canada
Quebec Largest province in Canada in terms of area – population not evenly distributed. Most live around the St Lawrence river valley – few on the Canadian Shield. Canadian Shield – covers 4/5’s of the province. Bedrock – solid rock that is usually covered with soil, gravel, sand. Canadian Shield – forest, rivers, lakes, streams. Treeless tundra in the very north.
Continued… Southeastern border – Appalachian Mtns. Center for mining and forestry Montreal – largest city on the Quebec province. Quebec – oldest city in Canada Founded in 1608 – Samuel de Champlain.
Quebec – Canada's capital
The Prairie Provinces Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan Southwestern Canada – between the Rocky Mtns. And the Canadian Shield. Associated with rolling fields of wheat – clear cool lakes – lazy rivers – mysterious badlands filled with strange, eroded sand and rock formations.
Patterns of Settlement 50% + live in cities. Largest cities are located at strategic points along the railroads that were built in the late 1800’s. Winnipeg – established at an important river crossing as railroad tracks were laid from the east through the Canadian Shield. Edmonton & Alberta – established at points where each rail line headed into mountains.
Canadian Railroad
Economic Activities Prairie Provinces – provide most of Canada's grain and cattle. Wheat – transported by rail to ports on the Pacific Ocean, the Great Lakes, and the Hudson Bay. Tourism – national parks. In Alberta – oil was discovered = new source of wealth for the region.
British Columbia Canada western most province. Mountain ranges cover near all of British Columbia. 80% of the population live in Vancouver. Plentiful natural resources – salmon, forest, and minerals = one of Canada's wealthiest regions. Victoria, the capital – southeastern tip of Vancouver island.
Vancouver Continued… The province largest city Excellent harbor – mild/wet marine west coast climate. Canada’s major port on the Pacific Ocean. Trade with Asia has increased – immigration from Asia also.
The Northern Territories 40% of Canada’s north – Yukon Territory, Northwest Territory, and Nunavut. Nunavut – established in It was a part of the Northwest Territory – claimed settlement with the Native Americans. Cold treeless lands – sparsely settled – fewer than 1% of Canada’s population.
Continued…. Majority of the population – Inuit = “the people”. Inuit – live north of the forest Contact with Europeans – seal hunting still an important economic activity, modern hunters use snow mobiles instead of dog sleds. Modern technology – student’s attending classes transmitted via satellite/TV/radio.
Continued… Rich deposits of minerals – gold, silver, copper, zinc, lead, iron ore, and uranium. Also, oil and natural gas. Mid 1980’s – an oil pipeline was built to deliver oil to southern markets. Many deposits have not been developed because of the harsh environment.
The Inuit’s