Visions of Security Peace of mind Safeguard of physical integrity Protection of material assets
Security issues seldomly taken into account Economic and social crisis – In recent years, Ecuador has suffered one of its worst crises, caused by the bank holiday – Total unemployment of 7 % – Institutiones are discredited Police Justice agents Social inequality – The poorest sector of the population consumes 1.9 % – The richest sector of the population consumes 35,4 % Migration – 43.1% of migrants left behind children under 18 years of age – % of migrants have some higher education Perceptions
Firearms Any weapon with a barrel through which a bullet can be fired Any weapon or destructive device Ammunition
Problems and issues around weapons in Ecuador Presence of weapons in education centers Area of transit to neighboring countries Organized crime Increase in violence, rise in number of homicides with a weapon. Production of homemade weapons
Lack of trust in the institutiones responsible for exercising justice Trusts the National Police 2004 In 2006, 84.9% has unfavorable opinions about the police Increase in the civilian population’s perception of insecurity; 70% of citizens believe that insecurity is one of the main problems in the cities. Quito Guayaquil A lot114 Some2824 Little3528 Nothing2634
Legal Framework The Inter-American Convention Against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, and Other Related Materials was ratified in 1999 Decision 552 of the Andean Community National Legislation
Impact of violence Greater circulation of weapons in civilian society ITEMSQuantity Civilian Personnel Military Personnel in active service 13 Military Personnel not in active service 432 Collectors105 Shooting,hunting and fishing clubs 164 Security companies Public instirutions1.123 Private security institutions1.469 TOTAL47.499
Larger presence of security companies Year.Permits (in 10 mos) TOTAL28997 Impact of violence
Social response Social response SECURITY COMPANIES BY PROVINCE PROVINCE Co. WEAPONSGUARDS Azuay Bolívar23366 Cañar Carchi35268 Cotopaxi66099 Chimborazo El Oro Esmeraldas Guayas Imbabura Loja Los Ríos Manabí Pichincha Tungurahua Zamora Ch. Galápagos1112 Sucumbíos1 TOTAL
Evolution of arms imports Tipo Total Pistols Revolver s Shotgun s Carbines Total
Response Increase in police officers YEARPOLICE RATE per 100 thousand , , , ,2
Intervention Alternatives Decentralized technical system, interconnecting the different bodies concerned with arms control to have a precise control of the weapons found in the country. Collection of weapons held by civilian population Understanding that disarmament is not a matter of removing weapons. On the contrary, it is a peace proposal that contributes to the construction of alternatives. These can range from conflict resolution alternatives to the proposal of extending care to those who are linked to certain spaces and who survive by actions that are outside the law.