EUROPE DIRECT – Carrefour europeo Emilia (by Andrea Poluzzi)
EUROPE DIRECT is an information and communication network on European topics and policies set up for the public by the European Commission - Directorate General Communication Who we are
EUROPE DIRECT – Carrefour europeo Emilia has been established in 1993 as part of the former European Carrefours Rural Information Network In May 2005 becomes a relay of the new European Network EUROPE DIRECT
THE EUROPE DIRECT INFORMATION NETWORK RELAYS 500 Relays in EU 49 in Italy 6 in Emilia-Romagna Region Who we are
Our mission EUROPE DIRECT information relays act as an interface between EU and its citizens at local level. The mission of the network is to distribute information and advice about the European Union's policies, actively promote local and regional debate about the European Union, allow the European institutions to disseminate local and regional information and give the public the opportunity to send feedback to the European Union institutions.
Where we work Our Region: Emilia-Romagna Emilia-Romagna comprises the two historic regions of Emilia and Romagna and is divided into 9 provinces. It is bounded on the East by the Adriatic Sea, on the North by the Po river and on the South by the Appennine mountains. Inhabitants Area sq. km (8.545 sq. mi) census Emilia-Romagna is one of the richest regions of Italy.
Where we work Emilia-Romagna‘s main activities and products Agriculture Cattle and pig breeding Food industry Mechanical and automotive Tourism
Where we work EUROPE DIRECT – Carrefour europeo Emilia is placed in Reggio Emilia town. Reggio Emilia is the main town and the capital of Reggio Emilia Province. Reggio Emilia town has 167 thousands inabitants, while the whoe province has 525 thousands inabitants (with 46 municipalities)
What we do Diffusion of information brochures and free consultation of several magazines and periodicals published by the European Commission Organisation of meetings, seminars and exhibitions; participation in fairs and expositions Travelling facilities for study and work trips throughout the European Union
What we do Technical advice aimed at the proposition of Europe projects; Search of partners to setting up and implementing European projects; Constant and direct assistance concerning the issues of EU laws, programmes and tenders; Set-up of various training courses related to the EU issue.
Our tools Front office activities Newsletters and articles Collaboration with Media (press, radio, TV, web, social network) Website Seminars, meeting and debates Fairs and study visits Laboratorio Europa (Europe Workshop)
A place and an implement to build Europe... together!
What is Laboratorio Europa? Laboratorio Europa - “Europe Workshop” is an exclusive structure, hosted by EUROPE DIRECT – Carrefour europeo Emilia, created with the aim of informing, making primary, intermediate, high school students and teachers aware of, and leading them through the discovery of Europe.
The Structure The hub around which all the Laboratorio Europa’s activities spin is a purposely set and arranged workshop that hosts exposition paths, audio-visual supports and multimedia tools where pupils and teachers can participate in interactive activities, role games, debates, in order to learn about Europe in an informal way.
The activities A team of experts is available for the following activities: Visits to Laboratorio Europa addressed to school classes; Meetings and seminars on EU matters; European projects of exchange among schools; Training seminars for teachers and local administrators; Follow-up courses, addressed to those teachers and educational operators in search of up-dated information and material.
Some figures Since 1997 up to 2010: teachers students
The Partners Laboratorio Europa is an initiative promoted by EUROPE DIRECT - Carrefour europeo Emilia in collaboration with: Municipality of Reggio Emilia Provincial Education Authority of Reggio Emilia Emilia-Romagna Regional Authority European Commission DG Communication
The agreement with the Provincial Education Authority of Reggio Emilia and the Emilia-Romagna Regional Government Since 1997 one or two teachers have been detaching to Laboratorio Europa by the Provincial Education Authority According to those agreements, several follow-up training courses (Life long learning) for teachers and adult people have been organised on EU general or specific matters.
The European Eurodesk Network Since 2000 EUROPE DIRECT - Carrefour europeo EMILIA has been joining the European Network Eurodesk as Local Point of Reggio Emilia (IT031): supported by the European Commission DG EAC; deals with European Programmes for young people, professionals and decision maker in the youth field; information structure of Youth in Action Programme.
Our Experiences/Projects within Lifelong Learning Programme Grundtvig Platform Dialogue (G. Learning Partnership) Intercultural Methods Of Community Development – IMCoD (G. Learning Partnership) Empowerment Paths for European Citizens – EP4EC (G. Workshop) Drawing Europe: A New Cartoon For Young Europeans (former Socrates programme–Accompanying Measures)
For further information
Many Thanks Andrea POLUZZI