PASSWORDPASSWORD QUERY THE GEODATABASE: A step by step use of ESPON WEB GIS Coastal NUTS 2 areas with female population in 2000 >
sa UEHR Using ESPON WEB GIS for SPATIAL ANALYSIS STUDY THE ACCESSIBILITY in relation to TERRITORIAL COHESION Data are organized in Data Navigator (Sub) Categories. Each (sub) category corresponds to one predefined map (Simple Analysis Environment). Simultaneously examination of data from different subcategories are aloud only in Advance Analysis Environment. Transport →Time & Modes Selection of Data Navigator subcategory Indicator: gdp1000ttm Time to market by road, half life macroscale (1000) weighted by GDP. Selection of indicator Step1 : Searching the GeoDataBase Searching the Data Base to select the appropriate data/indicators Metadata and/or documentation from TPG’s reports.
Time to Market (TPG 2.1.1) One way to measure disparities in accessibility (beyond the market potential) is the calculation of the average time to market of a region. Data needs for the calculation are interregional transport times and an appropriate mass variables such as GDP or population to measure the size of the market of a NUTS-3 region. The indicator is standardised such that the reference is a hypothetical region that can reach all markets with zero travel time. That means an indicator equal to 100 minutes for a certain region r, say, means that from that region one would need 100 minutes on average to reach the market partners for buying a good, signing a contract or making use from any other opportunity offered in a destination and measured by the mass variable. In the hypothetical region with zero distances to all destinations one would need zero minutes, of course. The comparison takes into account, that the travel times affect the choices of destinations. 25 minute is the “half- life time” of spatial interaction in this case. For the macro scale the “half- life time” is 1000 minutes. This indicator has been calculated for both rail and road travel times, and with GDP and population as mass variables separately. For the development of an indicator of general access to infrastructure this indicator is calculated as a multimodal indicator, taking the logsum of the time of the transport mode rail and road. In the typologies the distance to market with a half- life time of 25 minutes is taken as a centre/periphery indicator on a meso scale, the distance to market with a half- life time of 1000 minutes is taken as a centre/periphery indicator on a macro scale.
Step 2: Statistical Analysis environment EDA (Exploratory non spatial Data Analysis) of the selected indicator UEHR a b c d
Step 3: Advanced Analysis Map environment ESDA (Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis)
Step 3: Advanced Analysis Map environment ESDA a: Selection – Add layers
Step 3: Advanced Analysis Map environment ESDA b: Spatial distribution of the areas with values of accessibility (GDT1000TTM) over the mean value
Step 3: Advanced Analysis Map environment ESDA c: Study the spatial distribution of a new indicator LAGGING REGIONS
Step 3: Advanced Analysis Map environment ESDA d: Study the spatial relation GDP1000TTM + LAGGING REGIONS Mean for lagging regions
Step 3: Advanced Analysis Map environment ESDA e: Lagging Regions with Accessibility (GDP1000TTM) up to the average of the Lagging Regions Average accessibility 1542,7 Mainly new countries Richest Lagging Areas
Step 3: Advanced Analysis Map environment ESDA f: Lagging Regions with Accessibility (GDP1000TTM) up to the average of the “Richest Lagging Areas” New Pentagon ?