Southern and Eastern Asia Vocabulary Geography SS7G9
China the largest country in Asia with the world's largest population. It is a communist country and is becoming a world superpower.
India Large country in Central Asia that has the worlds second biggest population
Indonesia 4th most populous country; main religion-Islam; capital-Jakarta
Japan A country close to the Korean peninsula that consists of four islands: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu.
North Korea a communist country in the northern half of the Korean Peninsula
South Korea A democratic country in the south half of the Korean Peninsula
Vietnam A small communist country in south Asia that had a war with the United States in then sixties and seventies.
Ganges River India's most important river. Begins in the Himalayan Mountains and flows SE before emptying into the Bay of Bengal. This river is considered sacred to Hindus and is used for spiritual cleansing. It is also a major water and crop source for India..
Huang He (Yellow River) Called "China's Sorrow" because of dangerous flooding, Yellow dust from the Gobi Desert is carried along as loess (another name for silt) giving the river a yellowish color. Loess is deposited along the river's path creating rich soil for farmers.
Indus River Flows almost 2000 miles through the country of Pakistan. The Indus River Valley is one of the richest farming areas in the region. Empties into the Arabian Sea.
Mekong River Flows from China south through several countries emptying into the South China Sea. The river delta has some of the richest farmland in the world.
Yangtze (Chang Jiang) River Shanghai, one of China's most important ports is located at the mouth of this river. The river is over 3,400 miles long making it China's longest river. This river is one of China's main transportation routes. It is the third longest river in the world and where most of China's crops come from.
Bay of Bengal Bay into which the Ganges River empties
Indian Ocean 3rd largest ocean in the world
Sea of Japan a small sea bound by Russia to the norgh, the Korean Peninsula to the west and Japan to the east.
South China Sea
Yellow Sea turns yellow because of yellow dust blowing into the Huang He river which empties into this sea
Gobi Desert One of the hottest and also one of the coldest places in the world. This desert also is covered with sand and rocks primarily.
Taklimakan Desert over 600 miles in length and is one of the longest deserts in the world
Korean Peninsula Divided into the countries of North and South Korea after a civil war. Made up mostly of mountains.
Himalayan Mountains "the roof of the world". The highest Mountain in the world is found here, Mt. Everest. This mountain range forms the southern border of China and is the border between India and China.