If we can make one person better off without making anyone else worse off, do it. EFFICIENCY is king. If there’s a loser, compensate. If no compensation … no guidance I give to others because I’m happy
The greatest happiness for the greatest number U1 + U2 + … + U If utility shows marginally decreasing returns to income, can trade off utility I give to others if their gain is greater than my loss. Notice: ends justify means
Singer If we can prevent a great deal of misery without sacrificing anything of comparable moral value, we should. Each person has a duty to maximize SWF Give 5%, 25%, a lot more, to reduce hunger.
Singer If we can prevent a great deal of misery without sacrificing anything of comparable moral value, we should. Rawls Veil of ignorance 1 – Be free 2 – Choose the distribution to make the least happy person as happy as possible Max(U1), then max (U2), then max (U3), then….
1 – Deontology: the study of duty This is what you ought (not) to do This is what a good person would do. Doing something you should that you don’t want to? How holy! I give because I ought to.
1 – Deontology: the study of duty 2 – Virtue Ethics: the virtuous person Who are you becoming? “Not virtuous acts, but being a virtuous person” – Schiller I give because I want to be a compassionate person.
1 – Deontology: the study of duty 2 – Virtue Ethics: the virtuous person 3 – Rights Duty holder and duty bearer Charity vs. Entitlement vs. Right India ~2001
1 – Deontology: the study of duty 2 – Virtue Ethics: the virtuous person 3 – Rights 4 – Sen capabilities Development is capability or freedom Transform resources into valuable activities Multi-dimensional
1 – Deontology: the study of duty 2 – Virtue Ethics: the virtuous person 3 – Rights 4 – Sen capabilities 5 – Nozick Freedom Is the process fair? Was the start fair?
In our Classroom!
Richest/Poorest Richest 1 / Poorest 1 = 42/0 Richest 10%/Poorest 10% = 119/0.3 ~ 376 R25%/P25% = 275/47 = 5.9
Right now, 26 points/46 At end of the semester, 60/100 Headcount ratio: 68% Poverty gap: 46% Pov gap squared: 31%
You all started fairly. The process that determines grades was fair and impartial. The grades as they stand are equitable.
No student owns their own points. The entire class owns all points. “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.”
Now the distribution has
Now the distribution has everyone flunking.
Now the distribution has
Now the distribution has everyone flunking.
Now the distribution has
Now the distribution has everyone flunking.
Now the distribution has
Now the distribution has everyone flunking.
20% of the points go to the government. Now the distribution has everyone flunking. Winston Churchill: The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.
What is my duty to help my fellow students who aren’t doing as well as I am?