Daniel Susson
The People of the Middle Ages There were many types of people in the Middle Ages. The most powerful people were the kings and queens. The king would rule with the queen at his side. Then there was the noble men. They were granted land from the king. The knights were the soldiers for the king. They fought because they thought that god wanted them to.
How to Become a Knight The knight was the solider of the king. He served his ruler and god. To become a knight you have to take many hard steps. First you have to become a page. You have to come from a rich family to become a page. When you are a few years older you will get to become a squire. Once you are a squire it takes much hard work to become a knight. In a few years you will be able to be knighted. Before the ceremony you will have to stay up all knight praying. Then before then you will have to take a bath and purify your soul. Then you will have your ceremony and become a knight
The Illuminated Alphabet In the middle ages all their writing was in an illuminated alphabet. The letters were enlarged and decorated in many different shapes and sizes. Most of the text was shaped into dragons or people.
Some of The Parts of a Castle The first part of a castle is the Outer Bailey. It is the big courtyard right inside the wall. Next is the Inner Bailey. It is the second smaller courtyard that is surrounded by two walls. Then there is the Wall. It surrounds the outer bailey. It is very strong and was sometimes ten feet in thickness. The Keep was known as the french donjon. It was very strong and was meant to be the last line of defence.
The Feudal System At the top of the feudal system is the king and queen. They are the richest and most powerful people in the kingdom. Then there are the greater nobles. The greater nobles receive land from the king and queen in return for certain cervices. Next there are the lesser nobles they are given land by the greater nobles. Lastly there are the serfs. They are at the bottom of the feudal system.