Who am I? I am one of the richest men in the world I own the Microsoft company I donate millions of dollars a year to several different charities
Bill Gates
Who am I? I am one of the most famous leaders of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. I lived in Atlanta I was named after a person who started the Protestant Reformation.
Martin Luther King Jr.
Who am I? I am a ruler from the Renaissance time period I was one of the most effective rulers of my time I even wrote a book about how to successfully rule over people. In this book I say that it is necessary to use any means possible, including violence, to be a successful ruler.
Niccolo Machiavelli
Who am I? I am one of the first three presidents of the United States My estate is known as Monticello. I was strongly influenced by the Enlightenment. I wrote a majority of the Declaration of Independence.
Thomas Jefferson