We live in gloomy times
UK unemployment rose by 39,000 in May million people are claiming unemployment benefits
Posts for trainee solicitors are down by 95%
John Lewis has 250 people chasing each of its graduate jobs… …up 87% in a year
Microsoft closed applications for its graduate scheme after receiving 5,000 submissions … for 25 vacancies
The unemployment rate for 18 – 24 year olds is currently 16.6% This is 4 times the rate for older workers.
The 5% of the population in China
of the UK
They have more gifted & talented students, than we have students
It is estimated that
According to former US Secretary of Education Richard Riley…
Richest in the world Largest military Centre of world business and finance Strongest education system World centre of innovation and invention Currency the world standard of value Highest standard of living
The United Kingdom …in 1900
In the UK, 98% of 12 year-olds want “to do well at school”
And yet, only 38% look forward to going to school.
According to BBC News, a new blog is created every second.
There were over 150 million users of Facebook in January 2009
If Facebook were a country, it would be the 8 th largest in the world (between Nigeria and Bangladesh)
1 in 3 of the UK population have a Facebook account (It’s nearly 1 in 2 in Iceland)
1,400,000 UK pupils have their own web page.
It is estimated that a week’s worth of The Times…
For students starting a three-year university degree, this means that...
half of what they learn in their first year of study will be outdated by the end of their studies.
7 out of 10 teenagers have a handheld games machine
9 out of 10 teenagers have a home computer, a mobile phone and a games console
84% of young people play computer games at least once a fortnight
72% of teachers never play computer games
Credits Karl Fisch, of Arapahoe High School in the US, conceived and created the first version of this presentation for a staff development day. And published it on the web… Scott McLeod modified it, to make it more relevant to a wider context. And published it on the web… Jeff Brenman, of Apollo Ideas, applied the creative design. And published it on the web… Ray Fleming, of Microsoft, modified it to reflect a UK context. And published it on the web… John May, of Career Academies UK, modified it again to reflect the UK context in June And published it on the web If you modify this version, we’d all ask that you share it on the web too, so that others can benefit.