Transformational Government and shared services Sir Chris Clarke OBE FRSA Front Office Shared Services Project Word on the Street Ltd
A crowded pitch! e Government Transformational Government Varney Review Lyons Review and Place Making Local Government White Paper Local Area Agreements Local Strategic Partnerships Local Public Service Boards CPA 2008 = Community AREA Assess
Mind the gap!
Gimme now! Mouth on the move Millisecond mindset Customer promiscuity Taking the takers Video on demand ! dwindling attention span –
The chart shows that when people search the web, two out of three click to the first or second item returned
Transformational Government Strategy “The design of citizen-centric services to ensure effectiveness of delivery to the customer, achieve policy goals, and to release savings by reducing duplication and streamlining processes” Transformational Government Discussion Forum
Varney Review Sir David Varney (Customs & Excise) to advise on opportunities for transforming the delivery of public services, will feed into CSR07 Main focus on efficiency gains & improving the customer experience “Improving the customer interface & improving customer information management”
Varney examples 61 different benefit claim forms, often asking for common information citizen needs to confirm identity to government 11 times a year a family bereavement – 44 contacts, 180 days
Setting up in the period covered by the 2007 Comprehensive Spending Review a service that will allow citizens to inform government once of their change in circumstances; initially this should cover bereavement, birth and change of address Varney recommendations
The data sharing strategy to be developed by the Ministerial Committee should address impediments to sharing identity information and how these should be resolved to enable improvements in service delivery
Blair launches new drive to let officials share data on citizens Panels of voters will examine proposals Opponents denounce
Government to close 551 websites Of 951 sites, only 26 will definitely stay, 551 will definitely close and hundreds more are expected to follow.
Varney recommendations The establishment of more cross-government one–stop-shop services. These should develop into locations covering both central and local government
Lyon’s Interim Report May 06 Lyon’s Inquiry – choice & engagement with the community (final report overshadowed by budget) ‘National prosperity, local choice and civic engagement: a new partnership between central and local government for the 21st century’ Greater choice not more central control Recognition of local variation in need, preferences and provision
Lyons – place shaping? About a “place” in its richest sense -a community which has a sense of its past and its future –Confidence, vision and leadership –Collective choice over difficult issues –Prioritisation within fixed resources –LG convening across local public services –LG improve capability to do all above Emphasis on; prosperity, social cohesion and civic engagement ‘maximising LG input into well-being’
Key proposals LG white paper New performance framework - cut national PIs to 200 and targets to 50. Enhanced role as strategic leaders/place shapers through stronger LSP and next generation LAA a duty to cooperate between councils and partners Stronger cities, strategic regions Stronger political leadership - requiring all councils to choose from 3 options
Key proposals LG white paper An invitation to bid for unitary status or enhanced two-tier working. A strengthened role for front-line councillors including powers to respond to community calls for action A wider and stronger role for scrutiny Devolution of powers, including bye-laws and creation of parish councils. Community cohesion –integration & cohesion at heart of strategies, LAA
Collaboration models
Collaboration Models
Local Public Service Boards? Resources to develop capacity Pooling public sector budgets of partners? Leading to…..? Combined single local area budgets Local Service Inspection in CPA 08 Sub-regions and neighbourhoods Smaller state/double devolution – DCLG ‘Local Vision’
Opportunities Shared infrastructure – Broadband etc. Join the queue of wireless cities – Broadband, internet telephony, wireless CCTV, videoconferencing, home working, hot desking for councils, free broadband for citizens and business Shared IT Shared support services Shared call/contact centres