Hunter College of CUNY
Welcome New Catalyst Scholars Overview Goals & Opportunities Program Components Catalyst People – Introductions Program Management Team Faculty Mentors Peer-mentors (Grad. Students) Scholars
Our Goals We want to increase recruitment, full-time enrollment, retention and graduation rates of students in STEM disciplines at Hunter College We wish to strengthen the collaboration between STEM disciplines within the College and to enhance student and faculty connections to the College community To this end, the Program is committed to assign faculty mentors and peer mentors, work to develop individualized academic and career planning, and provide quality instruction, the skills, incentives and directions to help Scholars to go on to graduate school and/or successful professional careers
Benefits Catalyst Scholars can expect Personal faculty mentors who will advise Scholars on matters related to his/her academic progress and future program planning and who will meet Scholars regularly Graduate peer-mentors that will meet Scholars to discuss scholarly progress, participation in the program’s activities, academic aspirations and career goals, etc. Develop a sense of community and connections through the Catalyst Seminar. During semesters 2, 3 and 4 of the award period, scholars will enroll in a 1-credit seminar and will prepare an individual Academic Success Plan (Additional $100.00).
September 2009 May 2011
SEMESTER I (FALL 2011) Attend Catalyst Orientation Meet Faculty Mentor (3 per semester) Meet Peer Mentor (2 per semester) Attend Catalyst Social SEMESTER II (SPRING 2012) Academic Success Plan (ASP) Meet Faculty Mentor (3 per semester) Meet Peer Mentor (2 per semester) Participate Catalyst Seminar (7 2-hour meetings) Attend Catalyst Social SEMESTER III (FALL 2012) Academic Success Plan (ASP) Meet Faculty Mentor (3 per semester) Meet Peer Mentor (2 per semester) Participate Catalyst Seminar (7 2-hour meetings) Attend Catalyst Social SEMESTER IV (SPRING 2013) Academic Success Plan (ASP) Meet Faculty Mentor (3 per semester) Meet Peer Mentor (2 per semester) Participate Catalyst Seminar (7 2-hour meetings) Attend Catalyst Social Activities & Responsibilities of Catalyst Scholars
Required Activities for all students: Attend Catalyst Scholarship Social. Meet individually with Faculty mentor at least three times during the semester, and with graduate peer-mentor twice each semester. Signing for an ASP requires 2 additional activities as specified in the table
SEMESTER I (FALL 2011) NO ASP REQUIRED SEMESTER II (SPRING 2012) Utilize the Dolciani Mathematics Learning Center 4 times during the semester. Utilize the Physical Science Learning Center 4 times during the semester. Join and participate in one club from any of the participating Catalyst departments or the Hunter Senate SEMESTER III (FALL 2012) Apply for Research Experience for Undergraduates Research Project – Catalyst Seminar may be used if the course format is ‘research’ (Please attach description; must be approved by faculty/mentor). SEMESTER IV (SPRING 2013) Meet with graduate program advisor at academic institution of choice_______________________________ (provide name of school and date of appt.) Research Project – Catalyst Seminar may be used if the course format is ‘research’ (Please attach description; must be approved by faculty/mentor). Academic Success Plan (ASP) - I
The Catalyst Scholarship Project Academic Success Plan Prior S-STEM scholarship programs have demonstrated that scholars are more likely to succeed in their majors and beyond their academic institution by participating in leadership opportunities and academic success services. Catalyst scholars are required to complete academic success plans for at least three semesters during the award period. We have identified two activities that are highly recommended and that scholars should find extremely beneficial. Commitment to participating in Catalyst services and opportunities is rewarded each semester by the Catalyst project paying for your textbooks at the Hunter College bookstore. In order to have your books purchased by the Catalyst project please provide your signed commitment to your faculty mentor or to the Catalyst Project Coordinator – Haydee Salmun – by the second month of the semester. Please complete and submit the following page(s) only. The Catalyst Scholarship Project Academic Success Plan Name ________________________________ Year _________ Semester__________ In order to receive additional $100 from the Catalyst Program please provide your signed commitment to your faculty mentor or to the Catalyst Project Coordinator – Haydee Salmun. Other non-specified activities require prior approval by the Catalyst Project Coordinator. Please circle the semester for which you submitting this ASP form. RECORD OF AGREEMENT FOR ASP RESEARCH Student’s Name Faculty SponsorSemester TITLE I agree to supervise this student’s I commit to the work within the work as describedtime constraints and parameters discussed with my faculty advisor. _______________________ Faculty member’s signature/DateStudent’s signature/Date SUMMARY of PROPOSED RESEARCH (Be brief but specific in your description; add a new sheet of paper if necessary)
Key Component 1 – Academic Enrichment The Catalyst Seminar: 1-credit course during semesters 2, 3, and 4 of the award period. Coordinated by the Management Team, the course will focus on topics in the Earth & Environmental Sci/Geosciences that overlap the four disciplines. Spring 2011 – Theme: Exposure & Connections PGEOG 391: Independent Study in Environmental Science, 1cr. Departmental permission will be entered on your records – please register for this course when registration opens. Key Component 2- Academic Success Plan To allows scholars to participate in additional scholarly activities: scholars may commit to research or internships, attend department colloquia, or join professional organizations.
On to Introductions: Program Management Team Faculty Mentors Peer-mentors (Grad. Students) Scholars
Catalyst Management Team Last Name First NameDepartment Position Mentor Mentor WisnieswskaKamilaEES Administrative Assistant Program Director, Mentor TellerVirginia Computer Mentor ThompsonRobert Math & Statistics ny.eduCo-PI, Mentor PI = Principal Investigator visit website regularly -