Adrian Merritt 1 NSF REU program at UIC, 7/29/2010
UIC Physics I. Research Objectives and Methods II. Sample Characterization III. Particle Size Results IV. Research Conclusion V. Future Work NSF REU program at UIC, 7/29/2010 2
UIC Physics The core objective is to better understand how the manganese promoter affects the rhodium catalyst performance Some current possibilities are: Particle size Oxide species Changes to interfacial interaction Formation of surface oxides NSF REU program at UIC, 7/29/2010 3
UIC Physics Due to the de Broglie wavelength, electron microscopes can have a fundamentally finer resolution than light microscopes Electrons passing through the sample are scattered by various mechanisms Spatial, mass/thickness and analytical information is available from the scattered electrons NSF REU program at UIC, 7/29/ Image from Transmission Electron Microscopy, B. Williams and C. Carter, volume IV
UIC Physics Invented by Franz Fischer and Hans Tropsch Utilizes syngas to produce hydrocarbon products (methane, ethanol, diesel and gasoline fuels) Syngas is a mixture of CO and H 2, which can be produced from coal gasification, natural gas, or biogas, and is used as the base feedstock for the process In all cases though, the reaction relies upon the proper catalysts for selectivity and efficiency NSF REU program at UIC, 7/29/2010 5
UIC Physics Rhodium is a useful catalyst for the FT process as it lies at an intermediate mass level and so works to create ethanol for use as an alternative fuel source Manganese acts as a promoter, which changes the effects of a catalyst without being a catalyst itself Manganese improves the selectivity and overall efficiency of rhodium catalysts for the FT process E.g. from T. Feltes: 1% Mn loading on 3% Rh on SiO 2 support raises CO conversion ten fold and increases ethanol selectivity from 0.0% to 9.2% NSF REU program at UIC, 7/29/ Image from The Selective Adsorption of a Manganese Promoter Over Supported CO Hydrogenation Catalysts, Theresa E. Feltes, 2010
UIC Physics Carbon film on copper support grid d = 3 mm Allows deposition of catalyst particles and easy viewing Powdered samples are prepared by dry impregnation (DI) or strong electrostatic adsorption (SEA) NSF REU program at UIC, 7/29/2010 7
UIC Physics Final sample has many medium-sized clusters of silica particles Best (most useful) clusters are those overhanging an edge (reduces impact of C-film) NSF REU program at UIC, 7/29/2010 8
UIC Physics Rhodium on silica, 3% loading by DI Rhodium on silica, 3% loading by DI with 1% manganese Calcination at 350° C for 4 hours in air Reduction (when applicable) at 300° C for 2 hours under H 2 flow NSF REU program at UIC, 7/29/ Images from The Study of Heterogeneous Catalysts by High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy, A. Datye & D. Smith, Catalyst Review, 1992
UIC Physics Typical magnification is x300k Use diffraction contrast imaging to differentiate rhodium particles (crystalline) from the silica support (amorphous) NSF REU program at UIC, 7/29/
UIC Physics NSF REU program at UIC, 7/29/ Averages: 3.12 nm vs nm Standard deviations: 0.80 nm vs nm The same (within experimental limits)!
UIC Physics NSF REU program at UIC, 7/29/ Averages: 2.26 nm vs nm Standard deviations: 0.54 nm vs nm
UIC Physics NSF REU program at UIC, 7/29/ Averages: 2.55 nm vs nm Standard deviations: 0.91 nm vs nm Heated at 300° C for 2 hours, then allowed to cool
UIC Physics SampleAverage Particle Size (nm) Standard Deviation (nm) RhO x (unreduced) Rh Rh+Mn O x (unreduced) Rh+Mn Rh+Mn (in situ heating) Rh+Mn (after cooling) Averages not different enough to cause all phenomena observed in catalysts with a promoter NSF REU program at UIC, 7/29/
UIC Physics Catalyst particle size has been ruled out Next step is JEOL JEM-2010F work Better resolution through Z-contrast imaging EELS setup EELS allows changes in electronic structure to be characterized Together, allows better characterization of structure NSF REU program at UIC, 7/29/
UIC Physics University of Washington ab initio program for simulation EELS spectra Full multiple scattering simulation Preparation for JEM-2010F EELS work, distinguishing rhodium oxide species NSF REU program at UIC, 7/29/
UIC Physics National Science Foundation and Department of Defense for funding, EEC- NSF Grant # Professors Takoudis and Jursich as REU organizers Professor Robert Klie as PI Yuan Zhao as mentor Ke-Bin Low for TEM training and aid The RRC for its support in TEM work NSF REU program at UIC, 7/29/