8/2006 What is Catalyst? Catalyst is an online supplement to your handbook offering resources that go beyond the printed page. Within the Learning, Writing, Research & Editing Modules you’ll find writing tutors, web links, avoiding plagiarism exercises, grammar tools and more!
8/2006 Catalyst Open Access Upon entering Catalyst, you have “open access” to the Learning, Writing, Research & Editing Resources. Login “Login” is not required to use these tools. Registration & login are necessary if your instructor has requested you to do so.
8/2006 Catalyst Open Access To utilize Catalyst without logging-in: Simply go to Catalyst & click on “Catalyst”.
8/2006 Student Registration School: [insert school name] Course: [insert course name] Section: [insert section name/number] Meeting Times: [insert meeting times] *** Catalyst Student Section Code *** [insert student section code here] Write this down!
8/2006 Student Registration Go to If you need to register for Catalyst, follow these steps.
Catalyst Student Registration First Time Users Click on “ First Time Users ”. 10/2006
8/2006 Catalyst Student Registration I am a Student. Click on “I am a Student.”
8/2006 Catalyst Student Registration Click on I have a registration code that came with my book. “I have a registration code that came with my book.”
8/2006 Catalyst Student Registration Continue Enter the Registration Code that came with your text, and click on “Continue”.
8/2006 Catalyst Student Registration address password Enter your address & password. Make a note of these, you will need them to login over the course of the semester!
8/2006 Catalyst Student Registration Continue Choose the country where your school is located and click “Continue”.
8/2006 Catalyst Student Registration Continue Use the drop-down menu to choose your state and then click “Continue”.
8/2006 Catalyst Student Registration Continue Use the drop-down menu to choose your school and then click “Continue”.
8/2006 Catalyst Student Registration Fill in your First and Last Name, Create Account & then click “Create Account”.
Catalyst Student Registration Student Edition Click on “ Student Edition ”.
Catalyst Student Registration Catalyst 2.0 Click on “ Catalyst 2.0 ”.
Catalyst Student Registration Catalyst Click on “ Catalyst ”.
8/2006 Catalyst Student Registration Last Step: Student Section Code Go Enter the Student Section Code given to you by your instructor, & then click “Go”.
8/2006 Catalyst Student Registration You are now enrolled in your instructor’s course! Favorites Remember to add Catalyst to your “Favorites” web pages. username password You’ll also need your username and password to log back in.
8/2006 Catalyst Student Registration What if I need help? For registration or system issues: 24/7www.mhhe.com/support (800) M-F 8am-5pm Central