Dr. R. Nagarajan Professor Dept of Chemical Engineering IIT Madras Advanced Transport Phenomena Module 6 Lecture 26 1 Mass Transport: Diffusion with Chemical Reaction
QUASI-STEADY-STATE (QS) DIFFUSION OUTSIDE ISOLATED SPHERE In completely quiescent case, diffusional mass transfer from/ to sphere occurs at a rate corresponding to Nu m = 2 If B m ≡ v w m / D is not negligible, then: and Results from radial outflow due to net mass-transfer flux across phase boundary 2
v w may be established by physically blowing fluid through a porous solid sphere of same dia => B m “blowing” parameter v w is negative in condensation problems, so is B m Suction enhances Nu m 3 QUASI-STEADY-STATE (QS) DIFFUSION OUTSIDE ISOLATED SPHERE
Pe w,m alternative blowing parameter, defined by: and Equivalent to correction factor for “phoretic suction” 4 QUASI-STEADY-STATE (QS) DIFFUSION OUTSIDE ISOLATED SPHERE
Stefan-flow effect on Nu m very similar to phoresis effect, but with one significant difference: Phoresis affects mass transfer of dilute species, but not heat transfer Stefan flow affects both Nu h and Nu m in identical fashion, hence not an analogy-breaker Corresponding blowing parameters: 5 QUASI-STEADY-STATE (QS) DIFFUSION OUTSIDE ISOLATED SPHERE
and Nu h same function of B h (or Pe w,h ) & Pr, as Nu m is of B m (or Pe w,m ) & Sc 6 QUASI-STEADY-STATE (QS) DIFFUSION OUTSIDE ISOLATED SPHERE
QS EVAPORATION RATE OF ISOLATED DROPLET Droplet of chemical substance A in hot gas Energy diffusion from hotter gas supplies latent heat required for vaporization of droplet of size d p Known: Gas temperature, T ∞ Vapor mass fraction A,∞ Unknowns: droplet evaporation rate Vapor/ liquid interface conditions ( A,w, T w ) 7
Assumptions: Vapor-liquid equilibrium V/L interface Liquid is pure ( A (l) = 1), surrounding gas insoluble in it d p >> gas mean free path Forced & natural convection negligible in gas Variable thermophysical property effects in gas negligible 8 QS EVAPORATION RATE OF ISOLATED DROPLET
Assumptions: Species A diffusion in vapor phase per Fick’s (pseudo- binary) law No chemical reaction of species A in vapor phase Recession velocity of droplet surface negligible compared to radial vapor velocity, v w, at V/L phase boundary 9 QS EVAPORATION RATE OF ISOLATED DROPLET
Dimensionless “blowing” (driving force)parameters : where A,w = A,eq (T w ; p) 10 QS EVAPORATION RATE OF ISOLATED DROPLET
Species A mass balance: continuous, and, in each adjacent phase, given by: Since A (l) = 1, in the absence of phoresis: (applying total mass balance condition = 0 ) 11 QS EVAPORATION RATE OF ISOLATED DROPLET
Since, and We can relate B m directly to mass fractions of A as: 12 QS EVAPORATION RATE OF ISOLATED DROPLET
Similarly, energy conservation condition at V/L interface leads to relation between B h and T ∞ -T w (neglecting work done by viscous stresses) where L A latent heat of vaporization 13 QS EVAPORATION RATE OF ISOLATED DROPLET
Heat Flux: Mass Flux: Relating the two: 14 QS EVAPORATION RATE OF ISOLATED DROPLET
Driving forces are related by: where Le = D A / [ k/ c p ] = Lewis number Yields equation for T w Solution yields B h, B m 15 QS EVAPORATION RATE OF ISOLATED DROPLET
Single droplet evaporation rate Equating this to We find that d p 2 decreases linearly with time: 16 QS EVAPORATION RATE OF ISOLATED DROPLET
Setting d p = 0 yields characteristic droplet lifetime: 17 QS EVAPORATION RATE OF ISOLATED DROPLET
STEADY MASS DIFFUSION WITH SIMULTANEOUS CHEMICAL REACTION: CATALYST PELLET Catalyst impregnated throughout with porous pellets To avoid having to separate catalyst from reaction product Pellets are packed into “fixed bed” through which reactant is passed Volume requirement of bed set by ability of reactants to diffuse in & products to escape Core accessibility determined by pellet diameter, porosity & catalytic activity 18
Assumptions in continuum model of catalytic pellet: SS diffusion & chemical reaction Spherical symmetry Perimeter-mean reactant A number density n A,w at R = R p Radially-uniform properties (D A,eff, k”’ eff, , …) First-order irreversible pseudo-homogeneous reaction within pellet 19 STEADY MASS DIFFUSION WITH SIMULTANEOUS CHEMICAL REACTION: CATALYST PELLET
SS n A (r) profile within pellet satisfies local species A mass-balance: since and 20 STEADY MASS DIFFUSION WITH SIMULTANEOUS CHEMICAL REACTION: CATALYST PELLET
Then, n A (r) satisfies: Relevant boundary conditions: and 21 STEADY MASS DIFFUSION WITH SIMULTANEOUS CHEMICAL REACTION: CATALYST PELLET
Applying species A mass balance to a “microsphere” of radius , and taking the limit as 0: which, for finite leads to: 22 STEADY MASS DIFFUSION WITH SIMULTANEOUS CHEMICAL REACTION: CATALYST PELLET
Once n A (r) is found, catalyst utilization (or effectiveness) factor can be calculated as: or 23 STEADY MASS DIFFUSION WITH SIMULTANEOUS CHEMICAL REACTION: CATALYST PELLET
By similitude analysis: and, therefore: where the Thiele modulus, , is defined by: relevant Damkohler number; ratio of characteristic diffusion time (R p 2 /D A,eff ) to characteristic reaction time, (k”’ eff ) STEADY MASS DIFFUSION WITH SIMULTANEOUS CHEMICAL REACTION: CATALYST PELLET
c ( ) normalized reactant-concentration variable, satisfies 2 nd -order linear ODE : subject to split bc’s: 25 STEADY MASS DIFFUSION WITH SIMULTANEOUS CHEMICAL REACTION: CATALYST PELLET
Solution to this two-point BVP: or, explicitly: Catalyst-effectiveness factor is explicitly given by: 26 STEADY MASS DIFFUSION WITH SIMULTANEOUS CHEMICAL REACTION: CATALYST PELLET
27 STEADY MASS DIFFUSION WITH SIMULTANEOUS CHEMICAL REACTION: CATALYST PELLET Catalyst effectiveness factor for first-order chemical reaction in a porous solid sphere (adapted from Weisz and Hicks (1962))
Reaction only in a thin shell near outer perimeter of pellet Alternative presentation of : based on dependence on Independent of (unknown) 28 STEADY MASS DIFFUSION WITH SIMULTANEOUS CHEMICAL REACTION: CATALYST PELLET
29 STEADY MASS DIFFUSION WITH SIMULTANEOUS CHEMICAL REACTION: CATALYST PELLET Catalyst effectiveness factor vs experimentally observable (modified) Thiele modulus (adapted from Weisz and Hicks (1962))
31 STEADY MASS DIFFUSION WITH SIMULTANEOUS CHEMICAL REACTION: CATALYST PELLET Representative Parameter Values for Some Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions (after Hlavacek et al (1969))
TRANSIENT MASS DIFFUSION: MASS TRANSFER (CONCENTRATION) BOUNDARY LAYER Discussion for thermal BL applies here as well Thermal BL “outruns” the MTBL: D << (Le << 1) for most solutes in condensed phases (especially metals) Ratio holds for time-averaged penetration depth in periodic BC case as well 32
CONVECTIVE MASS TRANSFER IN LAMINAR- AND TURBULENT-FLOW SYSTEMS Analogies to Energy Transfer: When “analogy conditions” apply, heat-transfer equations can be applied to mass-transfer by substituting: 33
Analogies to Energy Transfer: Mass transfer of dilute species A in straight empty tube flow (by analogy): where 34 CONVECTIVE MASS TRANSFER IN LAMINAR- AND TURBULENT-FLOW SYSTEMS
Analogies to Energy Transfer: Packed duct (by analogy): Since, in the absence of significant axial dispersion: 36 CONVECTIVE MASS TRANSFER IN LAMINAR- AND TURBULENT-FLOW SYSTEMS
Analogies to Energy Transfer: Packed duct (by analogy): We find: where if 3 ≤ Re bed ≤ 10 4, 0.6 ≤ Sc, 0.48 ≤ ≤ 0.74 Quantity in square bracket = Bed Stanton number for mass transfer, St m,bed 37 CONVECTIVE MASS TRANSFER IN LAMINAR- AND TURBULENT-FLOW SYSTEMS
Analogies to Energy Transfer: Packed duct (by analogy): In terms of St m,bed where, as defined earlier, (= 6(1- )/d p ) interfacial area per unit volume of bed 38 CONVECTIVE MASS TRANSFER IN LAMINAR- AND TURBULENT-FLOW SYSTEMS
Analogies to Energy Transfer: Packed duct (by analogy): Height of a transfer unit (HTU) is defined by: HTU bed depth characterizing exponential approach to mass-transfer equilibrium 39 CONVECTIVE MASS TRANSFER IN LAMINAR- AND TURBULENT-FLOW SYSTEMS
Analogies to Energy Transfer: Packed duct (by analogy): In the case of single-phase fluid flow through a packed bed, HTU = (a”’St m,bed ) -1 Widely used in design of heterogeneous catalytic-flow reactors and physical separators No chemical reaction within fluid Also to predict performance of fluidized-bed contactors, using (Re bed ) correlations 40 CONVECTIVE MASS TRANSFER IN LAMINAR- AND TURBULENT-FLOW SYSTEMS