DENT 1210 Dental Materials II Lesson 5 Elastomeric Impression Materials
The 3 types of elastomerics 1. Polysulfide (Permlastic, CoeFlex) 2. Silicone condensation silicone- Polysiloxane (Examix, Cutersil) addition silicone- Polyvinylsiloxane (Extrude, Express) 3. Polyether (Impregum, Permadyne)
2. 4 Viscosities Putty Heavy Body Regular Body Syringe or Injection
3. Uses Used whenever accuracy is essential. Final impressions for removable and fixed prosthesis, including implants.
4. Advantages& Disavantages Polysulfide- smelly, hard to mix, little tear Polysiloxane- ease of use, tear easily Polyvinylsiloxane- not use with latex gloves Polyether- does not need pour up soon, stiffer to remove from mouth
6. Ingredients of Polysulfide Base- Mercaptan Accelerator or Catalyst- lead dioxide and sulfer Permlastic
Ingredients in polysiloxane Base- methylsiloxane and silica Catalyst- tin octoate
6. Ingredients in Polyvinylsiloxane Base- polyvinylsiloxane Catalyst- platinum salt
Impression PVS
Ingredients in Polyether Base-polyether Catalyst- alky aromatic sulfonate
7. Mix If 2 pastes- coat spatula with catalyst first Cartridges self mix in tips on gun (extruder) Putty- knead by hand
8. Mix is set Mix complete when material is one color with no streaks and becomes stiff Material is set when elastic. (Polysulfide- about 7-10 minutes!)
8. Impression Trays Custom- paint with adhesive Triple Kwik
VOCAB Dowel PinA dowel pin is used when pouring a model to make a Removable Die
The End