December 12, 2014 Homework: Work on Study Guide, due Monday for a review Do Now: Update T.O.C. Pg: 50 & 51 Catalyst and Inhibitors Pg. 52 Section 3 Questions 1,2,3 Take out last nights homework : Section 3 Review questions Switch with a partner and Review answers
Catalysts- Change activation Energy -A material that increases the rate of a reaction by LOWERING the activation energy. -Help with the reaction, but are not permanently bonded with the reactants -So they do NOT permanently bond with the reactants It is not changed at the end of the reaction.
Inhibitors Sometimes a reaction can be more useful when it can be slowed down instead of speeded up. Inhibitor- A material used to decrease the rate of a reaction. It controls the rate of the reaction Ex: Dynamite- an inhibitor keeps it from reacting until detonated
When Would… A scientist use a catalyst or an Inhibitor? Answer on the back of pg. 51….