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HW Check Agenda for the week Lesson on the PLANETS! Work time
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About the size of Earth’s moon. Reaches up to temperatures of 450ºC during the day and - 170ºC at night. Has almost no atmosphere.
Called Earth’s “twin” because it is about the same size. Rotates so slowly that its “day” is longer than its “year.” Rotates from east to west, the opposite direction from most other planets and moons. This type of rotation is called retrograde rotation.
70% of this planet is water. The densest planet.
Called the “red planet.” Has an ice cap made of water at its north pole. Because its axis is tilted, has seasons just like Earth does.
Has the Great Red Spot: an ongoing storm similar to a hurricane on Earth. Four largest moons are named: Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.
The least dense planet. The only planet that is less dense than water. Has large rings that are made of ice and rock, each traveling in its own orbit around Saturn. Has the most number of moons (19) than any planet. Largest moon is named Titan.
Looks bluish because of traces of methane in its atmosphere. Has an axis that is tilted at an angle of about 90º. This planet is rotating from top to bottom instead of from side to side.
Has an atmosphere, like Earth’s, that contains visible clouds. Largest moon is named Triton.