Environmental Justice (EJ) & Community-Based Transportation Planning (CBTP) Grant Programs California Department of Transportation District 3 January 25, 2011
Overview Environmental Justice (EJ) Grant Program Community Based Transportation Planning Grant (CBTP) Program Evaluation Criteria Required attachments Resolution Scope of Work Project Schedule Resources and Contacts 2
Environmental Justice General Overview Fair treatment of all races, cultures, and incomes. Fair distribution of environmental burdens and benefits across all impacted communities. 3
Environmental Justice General Overview Invite the full and fair participation of all potentially affected stakeholders; Minimize unfair negative impacts caused by transportation projects; and Fairly distribute the positive and negative impacts of transportation projects and policy decisions. 4
Environmental Justice Purpose Promote the involvement of low-income, minority communities and Native American Tribal Governments in transportation planning projects statewide that: Improve mobility and access to transit; Support environmental justice principles; Stimulate economic development and support economic growth; Create opportunities for affordable housing; and Improve pedestrian & bicycle safety 5
Community Based Transportation Planning Overview Integration of transportation and land-use planning with Community values so “livable” communities are realized. 6
Community Based Transportation Planning Purpose To fund planning projects statewide that support “livable” community concepts, coordinate land-use and transportation planning, and promote community involvement 7
EJ and CBTP Grant Program Evaluation Criteria Must be clear and concise and address all aspects of the question. Addresses both state goals and program goals. Application is complete and submitted correctly. In addition to containing necessary documentation, a detailed Scope of Work, timeline and budget are included. Local resolution must be signed and dated no later than the application deadline (3/30/11). Strong supporting documents that further illustrate need, implementation possibilities, community support and project management. Includes map of project area. 8
Resolution Developing CBTP and EJ Local Resolutions Resolution must be made by the governing board of the grant applicant. The Resolution must name the title of the person authorized to enter into a contract with Caltrans on behalf of the applicant. The Resolution must be enacted by the application deadline. * It is recommended that the applicant plan ahead to ensure that there is adequate time to get the Resolution on the agenda of the governing board in order to meet the application deadline. 9
Resolution 10 The Resolution should contain language similar to the following:
Scope of Work 11
Scope of Work 12 In MS Word format (use template provided in toolbox) Tasks are consistent with and match the project schedule Includes public participation and services to diverse communities Lists project deliverables.
Project Schedule 13
Project Schedule In MS Excel format (use template provided in toolbox) Contains tasks that are consistent with Scope of Work Includes a task for project kickoff meeting with district staff If applicable contains tasks for RFP process Local match needs to be proportionately distributed throughout each task Includes a task for reporting milestone completion (Quarterly Reports) 14
SOW/Budge-Timeline Cohesion 15
EJ and CBTP Grant Program Additional Information Pilot Program For the 2011/2012 CBTP grant cycle, those applications received from local governments participating in the California Department of Housing and Community Development’s (HCD) The Catalyst Projects for Sustainable Strategies Pilot Program, will receive ten bonus points if the following condition is met: The individual application will compete against all applications being evaluated and must score in the top 33 percent. If the application scores in the top 33 percent, ten bonus points will be added to the initial evaluation score. So, if the initial application score is 80 points and falls in the top 33 percent of all scores, ten bonus points will be added, for a total score of 90 points. For more information on the Catalyst Pilot Program, please contact HCD at (916) or visit their website at 16
EJ and CBTP Grant Program Program Eligibility Applicants Regional Transportation Planning Agencies Metropolitan Planning Organizations Federally Recognized Tribal Governments Cities Counties Transit Agencies Sub Applicants Universities and Community Colleges Community-Based Organizations Non-Profit Organizations Other Public Entities* 17 *Public entity includes the State, the Regents of the University of California, a county, city, district, public authority, public agency, and other political subdivision or public corporation in the State. (Government Code Section 811.2)
Funding EJ and CBTP Grants contingent upon passage of the annual State budget. Each grant cycle has an estimated funding target of $6 million for both grant programs ($3 million each). EJ Grant cap of $250,000 CBTP Grant cap of $300,000 Local contribution – minimum 10% match of requested grant amount. 1/4 of local match may be used for in-kind services. Reimbursable program Funds are only for planning related activities. 18
Important Dates Submit in PDF via to by 5:00 PM, Wednesday, March 30, Summer 2011 Estimated time of grant award announcements (upon approval of State Budget) Approximate start date of February 1, 2012 Contract expires February 28, 2014 Final invoices submitted by April 28,
For more information, please contact your District EJ or CBTP Grant Liaison. You can also visit: Additional tips and pointers Required document templates: application, scope of work, and timeline Internet Toolbox 20 Additional Information
Joshua Pulverman Office of Community Planning (916)
Thank You Good Luck! 22