1 The FNR Foresight Thinking for the Future Today – A Participative Process
2 Aims of the Foresight Exercise Identification of National Research Priorities in the public sector with short-term and/or long-term socio-economic interest for Luxembourg Scientific and political rationale for this choice of priorities Shared understanding of stakeholders Proposal of set of priorities to government Identification of research priorities for future FNR programmes Consolidation of communication networks among stakeholders Science is a (constantly changing) networking activity Need residential expertise to absorb new knowledge The question remains the same for small or big countries: in which areas should Government concentrate public funding for science?
3 The Exercise Online Questionnaire Exploratory Workshop ‘Long list’ of research domains Initial assessment Selection of broad research fields Stakeholder Workshops No formal input General Challenges for Luxembourg Expert workshops per field SWOT Analysis Initial assessment of domains Future trends Luxembourg context Research priorities candidates Conclusion and recommendations Identifying Priorities Setting a Context Interviews Data collection Bibliometrics International research trends Evaluation of FNR programmes Mapping of Lux. Research landscape ‘Long list’ of possible research domains Aims: Method: Input: Results: Creating a Baseline
4 Prioritization Funnel Phase 2: 19 Research Domains + 4 Technology Platforms FNR CS CA prioritisation 6 Research Priorities Phase 1: „Long List“: 56 possible research areas with about 250 research issues End of Phase 1: about 25 Research Domains Official Presentation of the Final Report to the MCESR: June 18th, 2007 Further prioritization
5 National Priorities Innovation in Services Sustainable Resource Management New Materials, Surfaces and Sensing Devices Biomedical Sciences Labour Market, Educational Requirements and Social Protection Identities, Diversity and Integration
6 Innovation in Services Modernise legislation for improvement of innovation capacity Optimise of financial sub-systems technical infrastructures for the distribution of media Consolidate Luxembourg’s reputation as a safe harbour ICT architecture benefiting crisis and disaster management Development and improvement of services Business Service Design and Innovation Fostering the Economic and Legal Framework for Innovation Information Security and Trust Management Telecom- munications and Multimedia Performance & Development of Financial Systems
7 Sustainable Resource Management Attain a systematic and holistic understanding of the energy and material flows Well-balanced portfolio for energy Soil and water protection Sustainable food production Economic development, controlled urbanisation, while providing a liveable habitat for its population and protecting Managing sustainable development Understanding ecosystems and biodiversity Sustainable management of water resources Sustainable uses and sources of energy Sustainable agro-systems management Spatial and urban development
8 New Materials, Surfaces and Sensing Applications Collaborations between public and private research sectors Wide range of technological, scientific and economic opportunities Novel materials enable innovation in a large number of applications new sensing devices based on new sensing effects and phenomena. Nanostructured materials, surfaces or coatings allow for the exploitation of new physical and chemical effects Solutions to environmental and health-related issues (e.g. replacement of toxic materials) New Sensor Devices Novel Functional Materials Surface Function- alisation Nanomaterials and Nanocoatings Intelligent Materials
9 Biomedical Sciences Public and Environmental Health Regenerative Medicine Translational Research Understand the impact of life-style, social context and environment on public health and the healthcare system (In particular Ageing) To develop new ways of prevention, diagnosis and treatment: Regenerative Medicine: Regenerating damaged tissues Translating basic research findings into a useful therapeutic drug candidate or diagnostic tool
10 Labour Market, educational requirements and social protection Microeconomy Sociology Macroeconomy Psychology Demography Research on Labour Market, educational requirements and social protection Better understand the functioning of the Luxembourg labour market Improving the educational system Provide the basis for evidence-based policy making
11 Identities, diversity and integration To empirically analyse the present state of society (e. g. cultural identities, barriers for participation, segregation trends in education, housing, etc.), To contribute to understanding the dynamics of change of the society To support policy making with data, conceptual clarifications, and recommendations Language / Languages Education Integra- tion Participa- tion History / Histories Identities Culture / Cultures
12 Added value of Foresight 6 Research priorities of great interest to Luxembourg Existing synergies between priorities and various sub-domains Topics of great future scientific interest Based on the existing competences and new boundaries Results generated by participative process Many different actors of R&D environment Research priorities of particular interest for Luxembourg Important part of the process: wiring-up of the actors!
13 Innovation in Services Business Service Design and Innovation Performance and Development of the Financial Systems Fostering the Economic and Legal Environment for Innovation Information Security and Trust Management Telecommunications and Multimedia Sustainable Resource Management in Luxembourg Understanding Ecosystems and Biodiversity Sustainable Management of Water Resources Sustainable Uses and Sources of Energy Sustainable Agro-Systems Management Spatial and Urban Development Identities, Diversity and Integration Labour Market, Educational Requirements and Social Protection New Functional and Intelligent Materials and Surfaces, and new Sensing Applications New Functional and Intelligent Materials and Surfaces New sensing applications Age-related Biomedical Research Age-related Diseases Translational Biomedical Research Public Health, including aspects of Environmental Health Based on a communication from