Stock exchange: is the place where investors go to buy/sell their shares. Stock market : Stock market : Place where business of buying and selling stock takes place
Once a company's public offering is complete, it gets listed in a stock exchange. After listing it would be available for trading to all investors in the stock exchanges where they are listed.
stock market Primary market Secondary market Firms raise capital Investors trade securities issued in primary market debtequity Public Private placement
Raising capital for business.Mobilizing savings for investment.Facilitating companies growth.Profit sharing. Creating investment opportunities for small investors Government capital- raising for development projects.
2-Investor protection. 3-Secure clearing. 1-Economies of Scale.
Stock Market Macroeconomy
Again about Egypt……… What were the most important events that Egypt exchange faced? 1- the financial crisis in our revolution: 25 th,January. Do you think that Egypt stock exchange need a additional fund?
references The Advantages of the Stock Exchange | exchange.html#ixzz1KlIwPGucThe Advantages of the Stock Exchange | exchange.html#ixzz1KlIwPGuc