8.8 The Fall of Rome End of the Ancient World Agenda: Turn in HW Planner & notebook Out Start Do Now Video & Notes Exit Ticket
Reasons for the Fall of Rome Political Instability Economic and Social Issues Poor Military
Political Instability Could not figure out how to choose the next leader Power was in the Army Emperors were often Murdered
CORRUPT POLITICIANS No one ever came up with a reliable system for choosing emperors Emperors stole from treasury Money problems…Roman emperors would give soldiers money to make sure they remained loyal Cheaper money was created which lowered value of money
Economic and Social Issues Large Empire meant a lot of money to be paid Had to tax the citizens Drove many into poverty
Division of Labor Challenges Food Shortages High Unemployment Gaps by the Roman border allowed invaders to come in and attack
Poor Military The size of the empire made it hard to defend. Germanic tribes were pressing hard to get into the empire Loyalty to Rome was low
Why did the Roman Empire Fall? Violence… Many leaders were assassinated and new leaders would gain control. This happened a lot