Expansion During the Roman Empire By: Gabby Truong and Lane Griffiths na/ the-expansion-of-the- roman-empire-ii.jpg
Rome’s Conquest of the Italian Peninsula During 509 to 264 B.C.E, Rome took over the Italian Peninsula. Rome conquered the Etruscan's and their neighboring areas. They gained land but at a cost. They had been fighting wars for two centuries. As a result, they had many Romans serve in the Army. Most of the fighters were Plebeians. This is what happened with the conquering of the Italian Peninsula.
This is a Map of the Italian Peninsula. This is where the Romans first expanded to. calonline/worldhistory1/module 01/01image/0103MapOfAncientI taly.gif
Overseas Expansion During the Punic Wars During 264 to 146 B.C.E, the Roman Empire expanded to what’s now Spain, the Alps, Sicily, etc. They fought Carthage in the Punic Wars. After the Wars, they had new customs and traditions from all the different people. This is how Rome expanded overseas. The orange area on the picture is where they expanded.
ia/commons/thumb/6/62/Expansion _of_Rome,_2nd_century_BC.gif/250 px- Expansion_of_Rome,_2nd_century_ BC.gif This map shows the expansion Overseas. The orange area is where it expanded to (the green is where their first expansion was).
Expansion During the Final Years of the Republic During 145 to 44 B.C.E, Roman conquest brought wealth and riches to the City of Rome. There was wars between Julius Caesar, and Pompey. Caesar won, so he took control. Caesar made changes. He gave work to many Romans and held Gladiator contests to entertain the poor. They expanded to Gaul, part of Asia Minor, Syria, and past Carthage.
ceasar.jpg This is a statue of Julius Caesar. He was the one who conquered Rome during 145 to 44 B.C.E.
Rome Becomes an Empire During 44 B.C.E to 14 C.E, Caesar’s murder started up another series of wars that lasted about 10 years. Octavian (later known as Augustus), took over. He encouraged education, art, and literature. He was helping turn everything into an Empire. They called him Rome’s first Emperor. After his death, that was the last expansion of Rome. It then became an Empire.
This is a statue of Octavian, also known as Augustus, who was Rome’s first Emperor. Original%20Files/Emperor%20Octavian.jp g
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