Rome Lesson heading and aim ! The Worlds First Superpower.


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Presentation transcript:

Rome Lesson heading and aim ! The Worlds First Superpower

The Roman Empire

An Empire of Force The Roman Empire is the story of how a small group of farmers grew into a mighty empire. The Roman Empire is the story of how a small group of farmers grew into a mighty empire. It is one of the great tales of History….. It is one of the great tales of History…..

Two thirds of the English language comes from (Roman)Latin. Two thirds of the English language comes from (Roman)Latin. Many European languages are directly linked to Roman speech. Many European languages are directly linked to Roman speech.

An Empire of Force Rome did not get its empire by words, they took it at the point of a sword. Rome did not get its empire by words, they took it at the point of a sword. It could be ruthless and brutal against those who did not share in the idea of ‘The Roman Peace’ or in Latin: Pax Romana It could be ruthless and brutal against those who did not share in the idea of ‘The Roman Peace’ or in Latin: Pax Romana Tacitus a Roman historian of the time has one defeated Briton stating, “You made a desert and you call it peace.” Tacitus a Roman historian of the time has one defeated Briton stating, “You made a desert and you call it peace.”

The Romans who started it all….. According to legend Rome was founded by Romulus and Remus, twin princes. According to legend Rome was founded by Romulus and Remus, twin princes. They were abandoned as babies and were fed by a she wolf. They were abandoned as babies and were fed by a she wolf. The myth states that Romulus killed his brother and started Rome. The myth states that Romulus killed his brother and started Rome.

Legendary beginnings ! Archaeology tells us that by the mid 8 th century BC (BCE) a village existed centred on farming. Archaeology tells us that by the mid 8 th century BC (BCE) a village existed centred on farming.

The Emperors Rome got rid of its Kings and replaced them with a Republic (rule by the people). Rome got rid of its Kings and replaced them with a Republic (rule by the people). This was controlled by a senate (like a parliament). This was controlled by a senate (like a parliament). However Julius Caesar made himself Emperor. However Julius Caesar made himself Emperor.

Rome’s Foreign Policy Rome faced tough opponents. It was crushed in battle a number of times but always managed to get the last say until the 5 th century AD. Rome faced tough opponents. It was crushed in battle a number of times but always managed to get the last say until the 5 th century AD. Leading enemies of Rome were Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt and Hannibal who crossed the Alps with an army of elephants. Finally our own Boudicca, Queen of the Iceni. Leading enemies of Rome were Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt and Hannibal who crossed the Alps with an army of elephants. Finally our own Boudicca, Queen of the Iceni.

Part II The Power of Rome

The Roman Army The army was well organised and disciplined. The army was well organised and disciplined.

Inside the Army It was divided up into Legions of five thousand men. It was divided up into Legions of five thousand men. Each Roman soldier was called a Legionary. Each Roman soldier was called a Legionary.

Arms and Men The Legionary wore a helmet to protect his head and neck. The Legionary wore a helmet to protect his head and neck. He had body armour called lorica. He had body armour called lorica. The Roman soldier carried a shield called a Scutum. The Roman soldier carried a shield called a Scutum. He had a javelin called a pilum. He had a javelin called a pilum. A short double edged sword called a gladius, used in a stabbing motion. A short double edged sword called a gladius, used in a stabbing motion.

The Great Wars Rome fought a number of great wars, none more so than against Hanibal and their long term foes Carthage in the three Punic Wars. Rome fought a number of great wars, none more so than against Hanibal and their long term foes Carthage in the three Punic Wars.

Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire The western Roman empire was attacked by a number of supposed barbarian races and finally destroyed in 410 AD by the Goths. The western Roman empire was attacked by a number of supposed barbarian races and finally destroyed in 410 AD by the Goths. The Eastern Roman Empire survived for another thousand years The Eastern Roman Empire survived for another thousand years

A look ahead…not mentioned Gladiators.Roads.Slaves. Siege Warfare Spartacus Chariot racing Hadrian's wall…