Rome's Mediterranean Empire Edmond Brasseur & Matt Hect Mrs. Hedges Period 1
The Roman Republic Vs. The Roman Principate Roman Republic o 507 B.C.E.- 31 C.E. o In 507 B.C.E. members of the senatorial class, led by Brutus "the Liberator," impeached Tarquinius Superbus. o They then instituted a res publica,. a "public possession," or republic. Roman Principate o 31 B.C.E B.C.E. o Octavian eliminated all rivals by 31 B.C.E. o He maintained the forms of the republic, but he fundamentally altered the realities of power. o Even though he was a military dictator, he never called himself king or emperor, claiming to be princeps, "first among equals," in a restored republic. o For that reason, the period following the Roman Republic is called the Roman Principate.
Political: Roman Republic The Roman Republic lasted from B.C.E. Was not a democracy Sovereign power was put into assemblies that all male citizens were able to attend Wealth influenced the importance of each vote The highest position was to be one of two consuls who led the assemblies, the Senate, and the military Most of the power in this republic was in the Roman Senate It was meant to be advising to the king but it made policies and governed There was a set of laws on twelve stone tablets The republic developed from a bunch of warring tribes into a republic with its capital centered in Rome
Political: The Roman Principate The Roman Principate lasted from 31 B.C.E. to 330 C.E. After Augustus his family members became Emperors and Emperors after Augustus exercised their authority more overtly like Alexander the Great and the Hellenistis kings. The Empire gradually and reluctantly granted Roman citizenship, with its attendant privileges, legal protections, and exemptions from some types of taxation, to people living outside Italy. The unending demands of the central government for more tax revenues from the provinces, as well as the interruption of commerce by fighting, eroded the towns' prosperity. Short-sighted emperors, that were desperate for cash, redused the ammount of metal in Roman coins.
Economic In early Roman times, they relied mainly on the food that they produced by the farmers When Rome became a wealthy society the farmers hired people to work on the farm and lived in the cities Rome relied heavily on grain imports from Sicily and Egypt Many food products could only be exchanged locally because they could spoil Stationed armies were also a big market to sell to Merchants were wealthy and played a big role in the trade throughout the empire on nonperishable items By law, everyone in the Roman Empire had to pay taxes, in urban and rural areas
Religious: Roman Republic In early Roman times, Rome was a pagan society Like other Italian people, the Romans believed in invisible, shapeless forces called numina The Romans maintained the Pax Deorum, which was peace between the gods and the Roman state In encounters with the Greeks, the Romans compared their gods to the gods of the Greeks
Religious: Roman Principate Rome continued its pagan society until the rule of Constantine Up until then people who refused to worship the emperor were persecuted Under Constantine Christianity was accepted as the main religion of the Romans and it then expanded throughout the whole empire It started with the teaching of Jesus, a carpenter from Galilee in northern Israel Christianity is a monotheistic religion that took roots in Judaism After an important victory at the Milvian Bridge near Rome in 312, and after claiming to see a cross in the sun he decided to take up the religion, unifying his empire under one religion He also relocated the capital to Constantinople
Social Below the upper social class of rulers, there were two main social classes There was the elite group called the patricians and the rest and majority of the population were called the plebeians Plebeians occasionally refused there services and left their cities to influence patricians to make certain political choices, this is called the Conflict of the Orders Below these two classes were slaves Within families, the oldest living male, the paterfamilias, had the most authority The patron/client relationship was a tie between an upper-class person(patron) and one or many lower class people(client) Women in this society were usually associated with the upper-class. The women were never seen as children and was in the paterfamilias's control, until marriage when she was taken in by her husband's paterfamilia Women played an influecial role in Roman society
Intellectual Romanization - the spread of the Latin language and Roman way of life. Romanization was one of the most enduring consequences of empire. Greek language and culture continued to dominate the eastern Mediterranean. The Emperors granted citizenship to: o People that had completed a twenty-six year term of service in the native military units that backed up Roman legions. o People that had done good service o And some emperors granted citizenship to all free, adult, male inhabitants of the empire During the first century C.E. some of the leading literary and intellectual figures came from these provinces.
Artistic Existing parts of roads, fortification walls, aqueducts, and buildings testify to the engineering expertise of the Ancient Romans. The Romans were pioneers in the use of arches, which allow the even distribution of great weights without thick supporting walls. The invention of concrete allowed the Romans to create vast vaulted and domed interior spaces. They had paved streets and fountains that allowed the people to get water.
Near The Roman Empire is made of all the lands surrounding both the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea, as well as parts of continental Europe. Epansion Link
Near cont. Rome's location in the center part of the Mediterranean contributed to its success as an empire. Italy was a crossroads in the Mediterranean and Rome (the Roman capital) was a crossroads in Italy so, it was located in the perfect place for an empire It became in control of all lands of all lands in the ring outside of the Mediterranean and even beyond that