Contribution of Rome to Western Civilizations World History SOL WHI 6j
Essential Question How did Roman achievements influence western civilization?How did Roman achievements influence western civilization?
Art/Architecture Pantheon – Temple to the Roman Gods in Rome Colosseum – The first mega-stadium in the world Forum – Collection of government buildings located in the center of Rome
Roman technology Roads – Roman roads were so solidly built that many of them were still used long after the fall of the empire Aqueducts – Stone structures that brought water from the hills into Roman cities Arches – Romans perfected the arch
Science and medicine Ptolemy was a famous Roman scientist who wrote books on optics, mathematics, astronomy, and music.Ptolemy was a famous Roman scientist who wrote books on optics, mathematics, astronomy, and music. Roman medicine emphasized public health and public structures such as baths, medical schools, and sanitation networks were common.Roman medicine emphasized public health and public structures such as baths, medical schools, and sanitation networks were common.
Romance Languages
Literature Virgil wrote the Aeneid, an epic poem that depicted Rome’s past heroic history. Aeneas escaped from Troy to found Rome.