Ancient Rome Introduction | Task | Process | Topics |Daily Life | Roman Numbers | Latin | Art |IntroductionTaskProcessTopicsDaily Life Roman Numbers LatinArt | Roman Emperors | Roman Structures |Roman Emperors Roman Structures
Introduction Ancient Rome was located along the banks of the Tiber River in central Italy. It grew to become one of the great empires in history. Its influence can be seen in modern daily life, our language, math, art, law and modern engineering. Home
The Task You will be discovering facts about your topic using this WebQuest. You will write down your facts under the appropriate heading in your flipbooks. You and a partner will create a presentation that should include: –Pictures and words explaining your topic –Point of view speaking about your topic –A self-evaluation of your presentation Home
The Process To accomplish the task, you will: 1.Create a flipbook to keep your notes. –Be sure to put your name on the front. Clearly label the tabs. The teacher will demonstrate how to make the flipbook. 2.After the teacher introduces the Webquest, you will use the links from the Topics page to help you gather information.Topics –If you need help or have questions, please raise your hand. 3.Add more information to your project by reading books in your class and in the library. 4.Conference with your teacher to be sure you have completed your task. 5.Prepare a project with pictures and words describing your topic. –More details will come. 6.Present the information to the class from the point of view of a Ancient Roman citizen. 7.Evaluate your work. Home
Topics Daily Life Roman Numbers Latin Roman Art Roman Buildings Roman Leaders Home
Daily Life The following resources can be used to explore daily life in ancient Rome. Select 6 topics to explore. These can include your choice of topics such as education, city life, roles of men, women and children, classes of citizens, food, clothing, family life, entertainment, etc. The topics will become the labels on your flip book. Click here to see a video on daily Use the Back button to return to this screen when you are finished with any web link. Daily Life tml tml Romans_clothing.doc This file opens in Word. When you are finished, click the X in the right corner to close the file. –This product requires you to log on. Raise your hand and have your teacher help you. Think about the information you collected. Discuss with your partner how life is similar and different from life today. Use a Kidpiration template to help you compare and contrast life in Ancient Rome with life today in Lancaster, PA. Finished? Conference with your teacher. Home
Daily Life Each student working on Daily Life can access this video on their computers. Please connect the headphones before beginning. Click the black box and it will begin. Click the Roman to go back to the previous page. Discovery Streaming video about Daily Life In Ancient Rome inserted here.
Roman Emperors The following resources can be used to explore information about the emperors and government in ancient Rome. You should include information about the law, the government and the army in your flipbook. Use: Law, Government and Army as your labels. Use a Kidspiration template to help you tell about the lives of least 3 emperors. Use the Back button to return to this screen when you are finished with any web link. Use for information about the emperors. Do a search on the emperor’s name. –This product requires you to log on. Raise your hand and have your teacher help you. /webunits/greecerome/Romegovt1.html Finished? Conference with your teacher. Home The following resources can be used to explore information about the emperors and government in ancient Rome. You should include information about the law, the government and the army in your flipbook. Use: Law, Government and Army as your labels. Use a Kidspiration template to help you tell about the lives of least 3 emperors. Use the Back button to return to this screen when you are finished with any web link. Use for information about the emperors. Do a search on the emperor’s name. –This product requires you to log on. Raise your hand and have your teacher help you. /webunits/greecerome/Romegovt1.html Finished? Conference with your teacher. Home
Roman Structures The following resources can be used to explore information about buildings and other structures in Ancient Rome. You should include information about the Coliseum, the Baths, houses, sewage and aqueducts. The topics will become the labels on your flipbooks. Divide each page into three sections and label the columns: How were they built? Why were they built? What was their use? Use the Back button to return to this screen when you are finished with any web link –This product requires you to log on. Raise your hand and have your teacher help you. Finished? Conference with your teacher. Home
Latin Words and the Roman Calendar The following resources can be used to explore information about the Latin language. You should include information about the history of the language, the alphabet and a word list of English words with Latin beginnings in your flipbook. You will use a graphic organizer for information about the calendar. Use the Back button to return to this screen when you are finished with any web link. –Locate words that are familiar to you. You will share these words with the class. –Use a Kidspiration template to help you organize the information. Finished? Conference with your teacher. Home The following resources can be used to explore information about the Latin language. You should include information about the history of the language, the alphabet and a word list of English words with Latin beginnings in your flipbook. You will use a graphic organizer for information about the calendar. Use the Back button to return to this screen when you are finished with any web link. –Locate words that are familiar to you. You will share these words with the class. –Use a Kidspiration template to help you organize the information. Finished? Conference with your teacher. Home
Roman Numerals The following resources can be used to find information about Roman Numerals. The tabs on your flip book should be labeled General Information and one (1) tab for each of these numerals: I, V, X, L and C. Use the Back button to return to this screen when you are finished with any web link. –What do the I, V, X, L and C symbols mean? –What interesting facts can you discover about Roman Numerals? Write down at least 3 simple (up to a 2 digit number) math problems using addition, multiplication, division and/or subtraction. –Convert the numbers to Roman Numerals. –Enter them in the Roman Numeral Calculator.Roman Numeral Calculator –Convert the answers to Arabic numerals. –Check the answers by solving your original problems. Finished? Conference with your teacher. Home
Roman Art Use the following resources to learn more about Roman Art. The labels in your flipbook should include: Origins (how it began), Architecture/Engineering, Sculpture, Painting and Mosaics. t+rome&sc=4#h20http:// t+rome&sc=4#h20 Use the Back button to return to this screen when you are finished with any web link. Try your hand at a mosaic. Ask a teacher for help in saving this work.mosaic Finished? Conference with your teacher. Home
Just for Fun ent_rome/jigsaw.htm Use the Back button to return to the WebQuest.
Resources Elementary Video Adventures: Life in Ancient Rome. Discovery Channel School unitedstreaming.